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My 2yr 1ftx1ftx1ft Nano


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the reason why i did'nt skim is because, with such little water volume, the water column will be stripped quickly of the already little planktonic food plus trace elements. Water quality is maintianed only true water changes, which is quick and easy since I only need to change little for a small tank. :)

There used to be a mechanical filtration compartment at the back which i stripped to make more space for the tank, also i noticed each time I clean the filter spnge, lots of pods and critters are stuck there, i want em to circulate in the tank freely hence i removed all filter media. :)

My PL light casing can accomodate 2 PL tubes, I used one 18W Osram Daylight plus 1 11W atinic blue. :)

Thanks, the clam reacted that way after I pushed the light and casing to one side in order to get a shot from the top, no worries, its been doin fine for 2 yrs and has shown some growth :)

"Less technology, more biology" --- John Tullock

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the reason why i did'nt skim is because, with such little water volume, the water column will be stripped quickly of the already little planktonic food plus trace elements. Water quality is maintianed only true water changes, which is quick and easy since I only need to change little for a small tank. :)

There used to be a mechanical filtration compartment at the back which i stripped to make more space for the tank, also i noticed each time I clean the filter spnge, lots of pods and critters are stuck there, i want em to circulate in the tank freely hence i removed all filter media. :)

My PL light casing can accomodate 2 PL tubes, I used one 18W Osram Daylight plus 1 11W atinic blue. :)

You'll need skimming to keep the water clean. It removes DOM, and PO4 to a certain extend. I rather tt you do some feeding than relie on the little planktonic food.

Reefing is a hobby / responsibility so have to do some work like dosing, feeding and cleaning. You can do away with dosing if U do regular water change (bi-monthly or so) else yr water quality will decrease and affect yr livestock

Clams need alot of light.. preferable MH to grow properly. So under yr 15W + 11W PL, it's struggling :pinch:

You should be able to see growth in mths not years :erm:

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True but nano experts from http://www.nano-reef.com say that its better not to skim nano tanks under a certain size. check it out.

Uh no don't get me wrong i don't rely on the tiny critters as primary food source, i do feed them but i want them to be around. :)

I position my clam on top of rocks nearest to the lights, seems to be doin fine there for the past 2 yrs. MH will really cook my tiny tank.

"Less technology, more biology" --- John Tullock

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u can keep a clam under pls :rolleyes: the more tricky and important part is the water params in a nano :) and there are skimmerless systems for even very large tanks keeping some of the most demanding corals with no problems... DOC and pO4 can be removed by other ways such as water changes

2yr old nano? wow :yeah: i can never keep a tank for more than 2yrs w/o upgrading :lol::lol::lol:

hmm ever thought of modying to fit 32watt pl tubes... they fit in just nice in 1ft nanos ;) or was it 28watt :blink:

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[quote:u can keep a clam under pls the more tricky and important part is the water params in a nano and there are skimmerless systems for even very large tanks keeping some of the most demanding corals with no problems... DOC and pO4 can be removed by other ways such as water changes

2yr old nano? wow i can never keep a tank for more than 2yrs w/o upgrading

hmm ever thought of modying to fit 32watt pl tubes... they fit in just nice in 1ft nanos or was it 28watt ]

Thanks and agreed, there are indeed alternatives of removing DOC. I don't know why but i did'nt felt like upgrading or changing anythin all this while :)

28 watt light fixture, do you have any idea where i can buy them? Perhaps i can get 'em in future.

[/quote:Wow! Great job Alentino,like you line(dunno wat itz called) More Bio,less Techno! How much LR do you have inside? How often do you change water? Setting up a 29gal with hang-on for carbon,relying on LR to carry out filtration ]

Yup :) You can say that I'm a holistic reefer who uses a more ecological and natural approach, but I don't really dare to encourage this to anyone though :)

You could check out http://www.nano-reef.com for articles on natural nano reefing.

I've got 5 pices of medium sized LR and two smaller ones. I try to change water once a week but have delayed to once a month on occasions when I really can't make it :P My entire filtration is based on bio, ya know live rock and deep substrate. :)

"Less technology, more biology" --- John Tullock

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