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Help small little worm like thing spotted

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My SPS colonies seems to be dieing of one after anthor for the pass month. Initially thought it was water parameters but test of the various parameters seems to be the same as it alway has been....

- KH 8

- CA 400

- No3 0

- PO 0

At first though it was the volka method....but upon thinking i find it strange that only the SPS with Acro crabs seems not to be affected...then very very close examination, i realsie that the dead SPS seems to have spots that move!!!! after starting really hard i realsie they look like very very small pods moving around (less then 1 mm)...could these guys be the guys killing off my SPS????

anyone has any experience dealing with these things???? also just brough lugols solution...how do you do a dip for the affected SPS???? and should i also do a dip on the unaffected SPS (some with nice Acro Crabs in them)

guess i can't do anymore shopping for the upcomigng shipment.... :(

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  • SRC Member
flatworms??? nudibranches??? or sps eating snails (drupella cornus)??? :o

dun think it look like snails....although there are quite lot of black nudibranches in my tank...dunno where they come from.....but the tiny pod might be flat worms go any pics of flat worms???? me never seen one before..... :paiseh:

btw, the 2 nice frag you passed me the other time was the first causaty....:cry2:

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dun think it look like snails....although there are quite lot of black nudibranches in my tank...dunno where they come from.....but the tiny pod might be flat worms go any pics of flat worms???? me never seen one before..... :paiseh:

btw, the 2 nice frag you passed me the other time was the first causaty....:cry2:

dun worry bro, start afresh when ur new tank is ready. ;)

btw, here r the pics.....

Monti eating nudis


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  • SRC Member

Where have you been sourcing your sps from off late (the past few months)? Are the spots red? They could be red bugs or flat worms.

Try to take a picture if you can. That way, we should be able to help you positively identify the creature/pest.

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