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my tank jus crash.i added baking powder instead of soda.(thought it could raise KH).after adding the corals were contracting,even my mushies.just restarted my tank. kept all my livestock in a spare tank. now,jus started to cycle tank. Dear fellow reefers, is there any problem.When i tried putting corals into the tank,my brain started to produce slime.is the Ph too low. :(

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Baking Soda or any additives cannot be added discrimately. For me, I only add 1 teaspoon per 1 Gal of water to buffer KH.

I suggest you get some tests on your water params before you add anymore additives.

Another point to note is that when you increase KH, your Ca will drop vice versa. Thus need to have accurate test to find deficiency before adjusting.

Also, from what I know, Baking Soda can be use to buffer KH not increase KH.

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Sad to say it but that's is the only way to go. You have to remove all livestocks, let the tank run for 1mths and test all water params before adding your livestocks.


"Reefs, like forests, will only be protected in long term if they are appreciated"
Dr. J.E.N. Veron
Australian Institute of Marine Science


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best is to drip it in and not just pour it in.. less fluctuation in water parems is better..

The world is such a wicked place,war btween the human race. People work to earn their bread,while across the sea they're counting dead

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You need to use reliable test kit to measure the kH of the water in your tank. Then depending on the actual kH you dose the correct amount of raise the kH to the level that you want.

Example if you use seachem kH buffer then one teaspoon (5ml) will raise abt 0.7 dk for 150 litres of water and you work out the actual amount from there. Recommended not to exceed 0.7 dk/day.

The rest already said to slowly drip the kH buffer in and not pour all the content at one go.

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Example if you use seachem kH buffer then one teaspoon (5ml) will raise abt 0.7 dk for 150 litres of water and you work out the actual amount from there. Recommended not to exceed 0.7 dk/day.

Sorry wrong info.. should be recommended not to exceed 2.8 dk/day.

BTW you mention that your pH is too low.

What was your pH and kH ? How did you measure it and what brand of test kit.

Give more information like whether calcium reactor is used, water circulation, skimmer etc.

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no CR,no sump.water circulation is 2 powerheads(small).Skimmer is airstone powered.(maybe going to change to weipro 2011).KH is 6 dkh.test kit brand is aqua medi.Juwel tank so no dilled overflow.BTW, is there any nice tanks that do not have a sump.

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