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Houndster's Nano Tank


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  • SRC Member

Today got the moon light from Reef Depot.. Going to try out tonight... How i wish it's dark now so can test... :P Will post some pics.. of the mood light effect.. :D

:thanks: Nelson... for the 1 watt moon light.. like it so much.. now at night go toilet can see my tank also..

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  • SRC Member

Ok here goes:


Tank size = 2x1x1.5 IOS Tank

Lighting = Atman 150W MH x 2 PL (Upgrading soon)

Filtration = IOS Side filter

Chiller = Resun CL650 (set at 26 degrees)

Skimmer = Macro Needle Wheel AS100 Skimmer

Tempreture controller = Fox 1004 (set at 29 degrees)

Moon Light = CoralLife 1 Watt Moon Light


AquaPharm Color Booster (Iodide) (once every 3 days)

AquaPharm Marine Health (Trace Elements) (once every 3 days) (Small amount)

AquaPharm Marine Micronutrient (Appetite Stimulant) (once every 3 days)

AquaPharm Restore pH to 8.3 (Buffer 8.3) (Seldom Use)

Seachem Prime (when doing saltmix)

AquaPharm Pur Kalkwasser (everyday night time)

Vitachem (everyday when feeding)

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  • SRC Member

nano tank can't take too much light (unless you have a large sump). Reason is that the small body of water will gain heat very very fast, even you a powerful chiller, you will discover you can't bring the temp down beyond certain point....I would suggest you dun try a 250w MH....instead focus on getting the No3 and PO level down to non dectable level and select less light demanding SPS....

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  • SRC Member
one of the LFS told me this is rear so i brought it... Is it really rear? It's an organ pipe white in colour.. They told me normally it brown.. Can someone ID this? sorry pic not that clear taken from my mobile..

organ pipes normally white in colour one.. rare ones are red..btw, it look more like a galaxy coral..

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