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Check out Nov '04 TOTM on Ultimatereef.net


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More and more SG reefers are getting acknowledgments from the world reefing community!! Stand up for Singapore! :)

Scarab.... your TOTM article in SRC how? It's exactly the same! (background story: yours sincerely here has been very slow to put up the story! :paiseh:)

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:D:D:D Thanks, thanks guys for the congrats and wishes. :lol::lol::lol:

I was pleasantly surprised myself when I was approached by Ultimatereef to do the article. All in all, I'm honoured to be able to continue the tradition of SG reefers being recognised in the world reefing community.

Many thanks also to all the reefers I've met thru SRC and those who have selflessly shared their reefing experience with me. Together we shall continue our reefing journey together. :bow::bow:

It is always wonderful to meet all the reefers during the LFS shipments get together and this really makes the reefing experience here all the more fulfilling.

Cheers!!! :P:P

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:D  :D  :D Thanks, thanks guys for the congrats and wishes. :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

I was pleasantly surprised myself when I was approached by Ultimatereef to do the article. All in all, I'm honoured to be able to continue the tradition of SG reefers being recognised in the world reefing community.

Many thanks also to all the reefers I've met thru SRC and those who have selflessly shared their reefing experience with me. Together we shall continue our reefing journey together. :bow:  :bow:

It is always wonderful to meet all the reefers during the LFS shipments get together and this really makes the reefing experience here all the more fulfilling.

Cheers!!! :P  :P

well said bro....... well said indeed........ :peace:

such is the pity of my company-imposed exile on my reef. :angry: i miss the lfsing days with u......... :pinch:

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