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I guess i could label mine as a exceptionally large ( rated XXL ) Nano.... hehe...

So some pictures from my thread in the SPS section....

Heres one...


and another ....


and finally.....


Hope to post more pictures soon......


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Mellow, that birdsnest looks very familiar... did you get it from me several months ago?

Very nice growth pattern! :)

Thanks Dan. Nope. I got the birdnest from the censored shop about 2-3 months back. Yup, growing quite well but the birdnest kindda lost it's pink intensity...

"Save a reef, grow your own"

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Mellow, what lights you using?

And for your birdnest, try dosing iodine.. might recover its skin loss.. i am not too sure whether this will help cause for me it does... so experts advise ya?

anyway nice tank too...did you use rowa phos for your algae? if you do, try intense protein skimming and some carbon? will help to absorb the dissolved organic compounds... algae bloom is due to too much dissolved organic nutrients so i hope my method will help you in a way:ph34r:

anyway Joe P you got a great tank there a full tank pic please? hahaha :lol:

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Mellow, what lights you using?

And for your birdnest, try dosing iodine.. might recover its skin loss..

when did Mellow's birdnest lost the skin...?

For SPS, its normally tissue lost if they go RTN or STN. Seen it few weeks ago, the birdnest was doing well. looks good in the pic as well.

So far, its only losing the pink intensity... once the tank stabilises ...it'll come back.

He is using 250WMH, prob other issues that needs to be work out for the it to gain back its intensity.

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Justa  thought:  :idea:

Everyone who has a nano or XXXL nano can start a seperate thread each, with their respective specs and equipment.   B)

this way we can all learn and drool over your little precious  :wub:

Good suggestion.

For all you nano-reefers out there, this forum's for you.

Happy nano-reefing!


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Mine. 3 months into making. Still stocking up, tank still not as colorful as many tanks in SRC.

p/s: the percula pair died of clown fish dieases recently. Added my favourate fish 2 weeks ago - spotted mandarin :yeah: . And it's feeding on pods and mysis now :lol:


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