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2ft Cube Tank Choice

If asked to choose for 2ft cube tank, would you want  

23 members have voted

  1. 1. If asked to choose for 2ft cube tank, would you want

    • IOS compartment in the centre back of the tank?
    • IOS compartment in the corner back of the tank?
    • I-Box?

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  • SRC Member

If you haven't got your tank, then it's wise to get one that has internal overflow compartment. I-box is meant for thoose whose tanks are not pre-drilled.

With internal overflow box, you do not have to worry about tank overflow due to siphon break which might occred in external overflow system like I-box. Further, internal overflow box with dursor pipe give u very high flow rate compared to external one, which can prevent main tank overflow if Mr. Murphy happened to knock your door. If you want cheap one, then DIY one external overflow pipe yourself (search DIY forum)

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With internal overflow box, you do not have to worry about tank overflow due to siphon break which might occured in external overflow system like I-box.

i disagree on this. if u observe the I-Box carefully, u will notice that a siphon break is not possible unless u take out the U-pipe intentionally.

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  • SRC Member

Pai seh, but i dunno whats an external overflow box??

meaning.... IOS has the overflow built into the tank, right???

then EOS has the overflow built outside the tank.... meaning... instead of the overflow column inside the tank.... it is ouside the tank... geddit??? :pirate:

*translated from Hokkien*

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My experience with the overflow box is that sometimes small air bubbles get carried into the U tube in the siphon. And as time goes on, it accumluates and can break the siphon.

point worth considering, but is also quite unlikely coz the U pipe goes down quite deep all the way to the bottom of the internal i box. the bubbles that r formed during the transition, shld not be able to get into the U-Pipe easily.


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  • SRC Member

if u r going for IOS i suggest that it to be located in the center instead of the side as it is a cube tank u going for ...

IOS will be cheaper to make but u will have to do the pipings , ball valve etc ...

I box are more likely to be like plug n play type....

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  • SRC Member

point worth considering, but is also quite unlikely coz the U pipe goes down quite deep all the way to the bottom of the internal i box. the bubbles that r formed during the transition, shld not be able to get into the U-Pipe easily.


that's a good point. Anyway I do think i-box is a good piece of equipment especially for those whose tanks are not pre-drilled... this is probably the best option if they do not want to risk their tanks as it might crack later...

Ian don't flame me hor.. I have no hidden agenda here.. :D

:off: Bro LS.. hey how's tokyo (many earthquake hor :pinch: ).. been to Roppongi Hill already? I like O-daiba's Toyota Forum.. can have a feel of many toyota cars. Shinjuku's Yodobashi Camera has lots of electronic goods on display to play around with :yeah: Akihabara is the place i visited few times for electronic goods too. Have a pleasant stay there :D

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