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Kiasu Advance Sales...

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  • SRC Member

Collection will be late Dec when I depart for States. Except for certain stuff so read on if interested... :P

Can book them first with a 10% deposit or $50 whichever higher. :P

Deposit is refundable only in the event that the equipment 'conked out' before collection. :P

1) 0.5hp Titanium Relief - went for one maintenance in late July. Bought in Jan 04.

Selling at $750.

2) Ottoman FR. - selling at $50. immediate collection available. Bought from fellow reefer but never used b4 in my hands.

3) Rowas for sales - $40 per 500g.

4) Diyed 4ft 6 x T5s Light set - Started using late September. Specs in Link. My lighting System

Selling at $400.00.

5) 6 new Aquaz T5s 4ft tubes - three actinic and three blue pro. Collection at Anchorvale for the time being.

Selling at $24.00 per tube.

6) 2 Seio Rio 820 pumps. - started using early Oct. Selling at $55.00 each.

7) 1 used eden 228 rotating pump. Selling at $22.00. Immediate collection available

8) 1 NEW and Unused dymax 900 pump. Selling at $9.00. Immediate collection available.

9) New Bottle of Selcon. Selling at $28.00.

10) KM Marine C for fish - new bottles. at $30.00 per bottle. Market price is $63.00 for the same volume. This is good for ich treatment without using medication.

11) Some bits and pieces like turkey baster, pipettes, plastic tongs...various prices.

12) Repacked bottles of New Life Spectrum Anti-Parasitic Small Pellets - $15.00 per 100g bottle. Not available in Singapore. I bought 3kg. :paiseh: (items 9 to 12 can be collected earliest around first week of Nov.

13) 1 new and unused Titanium Ground Probe. Wanted to keep but decided against it. Selling at $35.00.

14) Macro AS300 NDWL Skimmer - used as of early Oct. Selling at $200.00.

Interested parties, pls pm with name of desired item so that I can keep better track of inventory. :P

No bargaining allowed unless I choose to reduce on my own accord. :rolleyes:

Pls dun pm me abt livestock. Separate sales threads will be used in due course for fish, invertebrates and corals.

Thank you. :)

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  • SRC Member

Update No.1

1) 0.5hp Titanium Relief - went for one maintenance in late July. Bought in Jan 04.

Selling at $750.

2) Ottoman FR. - selling at $50. immediate collection available. Bought from fellow reefer but never used b4 in my hands. Reserved for al******l

3) Rowas for sales - $40 per 500g.

4) Diyed 4ft 6 x T5s Light set - Started using late September. Specs in Link. My lighting System

Selling at $400.00.

5) 6 new Aquaz T5s 4ft tubes - three actinic and three blue pro. Collection at Anchorvale for the time being. Reserved by C**i, then al******l

Selling at $24.00 per tube.

6) 2 Seio Rio 820 pumps. - started using early Oct. Selling at $55.00 each.

7) 1 used eden 228 rotating pump. Selling at $22.00. Immediate collection available

8) 1 NEW and Unused dymax 900 pump. Selling at $9.00. Immediate collection available.

9) New Bottle of Selcon. Selling at $28.00. Reserved by C**i

10) KM Marine C for fish - 2 new bottles. at $30.00 per bottle. Market price is $63.00 for the same volume. This is good for ich treatment without using medication. One bottle reserved by C**i

11) Some bits and pieces like turkey baster, pipettes, plastic tongs...various prices.

12) Repacked bottles of New Life Spectrum Anti-Parasitic Small Pellets - $15.00 per 100g bottle. Not available in Singapore. I bought 3kg. (items 9 to 12 can be collected earliest around first week of Nov.

13) 1 new and unused Titanium Ground Probe. Wanted to keep but decided against it. Selling at $35.00.Reserved for al******l

14) Macro AS300 NDWL Skimmer - used as of early Oct. Selling at $200.00.

Okay...going out...Dun spam me... :lol::lol:

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  • SRC Member

Updates No. 2

1) 0.5hp Titanium Relief - went for one maintenance in late July. Bought in Jan 04.

Selling at $750.

2) Ottoman FR. - selling at $50. immediate collection available. Bought from fellow reefer but never used b4 in my hands. Reserved for al******l

3) Rowas for sales - $40 per 500g.

4) Diyed 4ft 6 x T5s Light set - Started using late September. Specs in Link. Selling at $400.00. http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=23325

5) 6 new Aquaz T5s 4ft tubes - three actinic and three blue pro. Collection at Anchorvale for the time being. Reserved by C**i, then al******lSelling at $24.00 per tube.

6) 2 Seio Rio 820 pumps. - started using early Oct. Selling at $55.00 each. Reserved by *f****n, then G***, next L****r. This item overly booked.Will pm the 'lucky' takers. :P

7) 1 used eden 228 rotating pump. Selling at $22.00. Immediate collection available

8) 1 NEW and Unused dymax 900 pump. Selling at $9.00. Immediate collection available.

9) New Bottle of Selcon. Selling at $28.00. Reserved by C**i

10) KM Marine C for fish - 2 new bottles. at $30.00 per bottle. Market price is $63.00 for the same volume. This is good for ich treatment without using medication. One bottle reserved by C**i, rest by a lfs

11) Some bits and pieces like turkey baster, pipettes, plastic tongs...various prices.

12) Repacked bottles of New Life Spectrum Anti-Parasitic Small Pellets - $15.00 per 100g bottle. Not available in Singapore. I bought 3kg. (items 9 to 12 can be collected earliest around first week of Nov.

13) 1 new and unused Titanium Ground Probe. Wanted to keep but decided against it. Selling at $35.00.Reserved for al******l14) Macro AS300 NDWL Skimmer - used as of early Oct. Selling at $200.00. Reserved by A* L***

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  • SRC Member
good price for the SEIO  :)

Thanks. No wonder my seios are overly booked... :lol:

Anyway, you can get new ones at reasonable prices from nicky30092002 if I'm not wrong. :)

And I would like to 'sales-talk' the NLS Spectrum Pellet Food. (Item 12) :lol::lol:

They are what organic food is to fish as it is to us... :P

I bought it from States because it is better than the ones in the local market. :)

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  • SRC Member

Item 10 is seriously and presently overly booked liao. Pls do not pm me to ask for them as I do not have any more.

If you really wan, I may try asking a friend to bring back but you got to wait till mid Dec to take stock. :rolleyes:

But no promise, k? B)

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  • SRC Member
Forgot to include the sales of an American Marine PH Pinpoint monitor at $150. Used since October. Collection late Dec. Pls get your own calibration liquids.

Any sales for return pumps? If have pls pm me make, model and price. Thx!


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  • SRC Member

Any sales for return pumps? If have pls pm me make, model and price. Thx!


Oh yah hor...

Resun MD55 is the return pump. Should be selling at $140.00.

I have a Maxijet 1200 lying around too. :P

Selling at $40. all parts intact.

Anyway, ph monitor reserved.

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  • SRC Member

Is the maxi jet new? I'm interested... price neg?? I getting food, fire shrimp and now maxi jet from you... what else next?? :yeah:

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Forgot to include the sales of an American Marine PH Pinpoint monitor at $150. Used since October. Collection late Dec. Pls get your own calibration liquids.

that's a steal!!! very good price..should have got it from you for the other tank..hmmm.....

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  • SRC Member
hey sis ... how about ur star polyp..?? sold already..? if u selling .. can let me have it ... or can i get a frag from u to seed my rock like u said last time ..

I have a rock that I can let go to u. Call me to discuss abt it. :)

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