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What Is Required To Setup A Seahorse Tank


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  • SRC Member

Dear all,

I'm totally new in settup up a marine tank, I'm very interested in setting up one with my exisiting 2ft tank. Can you experts here shae some light how and what I need to do to setup a seahorse tank?

Secondly, I saw some of you have very nice seahorse, where to buy it? I don't understand the stort term everyone is using here about the location...Please help me here.

Cheers. :thanks::bow:

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Setting up a SH tank is much simpler than reef tank. I assume you have read and find out some basic of keeping SH. Equipment wise, a tall tank with live rocks (add in a bit of plastic nice red/yello/green colour seaweed will be good), just need a simple light, a good skimmer, filter and ofcos' you need the tank to be cycled before intro. in the SH. Food wise- best fozen food like Mysis or you can feed them with small live fresh water glass shrimp. All the equipment are easily avail. in most of the marine LFS or you can get all the things at Serangoon nth. 'Pet street'....

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  • SRC Member

A seahorse tank setup is very different from ordinary marine tank setup which needs plenty of live rocks.

I have a VCD on rearing seahorse where they advise that the tank for seahorse

should not have many live rocks.

Provide them with lots of live long sea grass for they to hide and cling on.

Plenty of space for them to swim and reduce stress of them knocking onto

live rocks is needed.

Hope these info help.


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:) Halo,

1)Height of the tank should be at least 2 or 3 times the full length of the Seahorse, this is to facilitates courtship as well as egg transfer in future.

2) Seahorse in the wild does not cling to LR but on seagrass. Too many LR and substrate will add scratches to their body especially the tail when they move around, resulted in infection to the wound. Look at those sold at LFS and you will see why. I would advise putting PVC pipes instead. Certain seagrass are a risk as they may turn assexual and hence pollute the water. But grasses like red bamboo is ok.

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  • SRC Member

wah acedophin finally starts advising :) good sign good sign

I think we should pin a thread on useful seahorse info and links, so that we don't have to repeat this stuff many times.

I volunteer Ong (this is call arrowing :P)

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:rolleyes: Halo Real,

Seahorse needs something to cling onto, the only thing LFS have is LR. So it makes economic sense to use it rather than buy addition thing which means addition cost (less profit). It also look more 'natural' than unslightly PVC layout. BTW mine(PVC) is covered with some coraline algae. Anyway the main objective of LFS is to clear it stocks ASAP($$$) and ready for new incoming stocks($$$). You can't blame them else only a few main player will be around (monopoly = increase price = consumer have no choice). But PLEASE REFRAIN from pointing out any particular LFS in this forum, they are running a business. Use general term if possible. I usually stand from view of business not from hobbyist maybe because my family is in business line and uncalled remarked made is bad for reputation. :erm: I would not like to have any conflict with them. :thanks:

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  • SRC Member

my apologies to any LFS whom I have affected, in fact it is my favourite LFS and whom I consider a friend.

I did hestitate a lot before I wrote about LFS, but I thought since all LFS are doing the same thing (using LR), no one is worst/better off. And I understand the economics rational behind too, was just hoping someone can give a more unique explanation, maybe using LR is not that much of an issue at all.

my sincere apologies again... will be much careful next time.

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  • SRC Member

I was at a LFS in J.W and spoke to the owner (friendly guy) he give me a lot of advise on keeping a marine tank and even offer me a package of S$180 which includes LS,Coral chip, sand, light, skimer and some fish. I told him that I would like to kick start with my existing 2ft tank and that's the offer he gave me. He even said that I do not required to cycle my tank as he gets the water direct from the sea. place the order pay the money and collect all the items in 2 days and you can put everything in the tank. What do you guys think of this offer??? I was thinking of getting the tank setup with some fish first and let the water stable then get my 1st SH.

Have to convince my CFO (Wife) to agree with it as I already have a 4x2x2 tank with LH in it... :P

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  • SRC Member
Sounds way too good to be true. Even if you are using natural seawater you still must cycle your tank.

But if he's going to give me everything at 1 time and how can I cycle the tank??? That's why.. he say until so easy and good... tempted.. <_<

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wah acedophin finally starts advising :) good sign good sign

I think we should pin a thread on useful seahorse info and links, so that we don't have to repeat this stuff many times.

I volunteer Ong (this is call arrowing :P)

Ah la mah.....there so many good webby for baisc SH keeping. eg.




All info. are there liao.

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  • 1 month later...
  • SRC Member

A query, since SH like slow moving water, no fast swimming idiots (as far as SH is concerned), good water conditions, minimum LR, some vegetation....etc, sound like the sump/refugium meets all this conditions.

Question is, can the sump/refugium, assuming big enough, be used to house SH ? Since SH is slow eaters, any surplus food (plantkons ?) can be channelled to the main tank for the corals/fishes ? A truly eco-system :)

Kindly comment on the pros and cons to the SH as well as the sump/refugium in relation to the main tank.

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  • SRC Member

hi Nickel, that is exactly what I am doing! My SH tank is actually my sump ###### refugium which is below my 3ft reef tank. You have mentioned all the pros already :) You must have good cleaning crew to tidy up the leftover food from SH.

one worry is that SH may wipe out all the pods in the refugium. But my own experience is adult SH are not interested in pods at all, and my pods population actually increase after I remove my skimmer.

gas saturation is another problem, usually caused by protein skimmer and overflow current from reef tank to sump. My tank became more eco after I remove PS, but I still cannot resolve my overflow current problem which is still generate substantial fine air bubbles.

Most sump/refugium design is not tall enough for SH liking. Remember SH needs water level about 2-3 times their straighten height.

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Yes, its possible. At least I know that Real keeps his SH in his sump. One of the setback is that since you are using the sump, you cannot stock up too many SH as you wish as the space is limited. Next would be food, pods thrives in sump. But SH would finish them up in no time, and regeneration of pods will be very slow due to the predator,SH,that is. So manual feeding cannot be avoided. Next, problem pose is that most likely you would have skimmer in the sump. The fine bubbles given out by the outlet may result in GBD. So you will have to work out on methods to reduce bubbles. eg, sponges or filter media.

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  • SRC Member

Thanks bros real and acedolphin,

Since I am customising my sump for my new setup, to address the flow problem, I intend to divert upflow water (return path) into the sump. Hence can control the water flow. Maybe getting a 4x1.5 ft sump so 2ft can be for refugium wif SH inside. Believe a 2x1.5 space good enough ? The other 2 ft (maybe less) will be for overflow filtering chamber and return chamber.

Skimmer will be in the return chamber after the filter chamber.

BTW, will SH be affected by calcium hydroxide if this is added into the top-up system into the return chamber ?

Sorry for the many questions, but since I am planing the new setup, need to make very sure it is done right first time.


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  • SRC Member

2ft length shd be enough for a few pairs of SH. Is 1.5ft the width or height of the sump? It is the height that matters to SH. If 1.5ft is height, then no problem, my sump water level height is only 1ft and yet my SH still continue to mate and breed.

sorry not familar with calcium hydroxide effect. I dose calcium (powder form) once in a blue moon, and don't see any problem with SH.

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