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House 6 tangs in a 3ft tank

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  • SRC Member

thinking of housing 6 tangs in my 3ft tank.

Currently i have 1 yellow tang 2.5" and a blue tang3"

thinking of getting

1 X purple tang

1 X Powder blue tang

1 X Powder brown tang

1 X AT ( if year end bonous is good) if not then will be a naso tang.

Will try to find small size for all above.

With around 20 to 30kg of LR in tank and some buttons and mushroom.

Any comment?


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  • SRC Member

They will fight in the tank. Imagine your AT start to float 10 mins you put it in...have to plan the squence (may help only) to put the fish in. But powder Blue and AT are top of the aggressive list..

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  • SRC Member
6 tangs can but not the mix that u want...

1 X Powder blue tang

1 X Powder brown tang

1 X AT ( if year end bonous is good) if not then will be a naso tang.

are all very aggressive type so can keep only one.

6 tangs can but not the mix that u want...

not recommanded too.

Everything's sold. Back in 2yrs time.


If it's a WRX, it gotta be STI.


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way too much man! unless u are hardworking and keep in check closly with your water PAR..or a supper big Skimmer...

WAter COmes first then follow by Argressivenes........ IF your bio-load is way too high, no matter wad u keep exp TANGS wont do pretty well...

and if there is too many TANGS ,which needs lotsa space to roam, i think if u put in 6, AFter a while...they wont be happy..and even may get stressed out resulting in ICH... :peace:

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  • SRC Member

For a 3ft tank ... the tolerable qty is four and suggest the following:

1) Powder Blue or Achilles Tang

2) Powder Brown

3) Naso

4) Sohal or Kole


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  • SRC Member

I used to house these Tangs.

1 x 3.5" YT

1 x 3.5" Blue Tang ( from 1.5" to 3.5" in 3 months, think how much he eat )

1 x 3" Powder Blue Tang

1 x 4" Purple Tang

In my little 3x1.5x1.5 with 50Kg of rock. They do live happily for awhile as long as I feed them a lot ( 6 Cubes of Brain Shrimp + Flake a day ).

When I reduce feeding , Purple Tang become aggressive.

So I let Purple Tang go,

Than Blue Tang become Chief

So let Blue Tang Go,

Powder Blue is Ruler.

I find that Only Yellow Tang is the best to keep. Since Day 1 , he was the biggest, but never aggressive. Never fight.

But I believe even how small 6 is too much. I have learned my lesson for keeping 4 Tangs. However it's all up to you. Water quaility is bad while I housed 4 Tangs.

Now, no tang, gobbies and blenny :P

Life is like a peice of Uncured Live Rock [ from LFS ], you never know what you gonna get.........

Ocean Gump

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  • SRC Member

Unless the tank is big like 3x3x2, dont' go for so many Tangs. I would prefer 3 Tangs to be the max. Main problem here is the swimming space since Tangs like to swim around, if there isn't space to swim, they won't like it and possibly feel stressed and fall ill easily.

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  • SRC Member

The verdict is 'No'.

My 4X2X2 has 4 tangs (YT, BT, Kole, PBT). Starting all small, now all full size and I feel a bit crowded already though they never fight. I think for 3 ft tank, 2-3 is max taking into consideration you want them to grow to full size.


I think (marine) therefore I am

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  • SRC Member

one powder blue or AT is enough for a 3 ft tank i think... they tend to swim alot and most of the time, swim from 1 end of the tank to the other... im sure they don't want to be chased away from a certain corner that the sohal deems it's territory... speaking of which, the sohal, too, requires a large space to swim in.. :peace:

6 tangs would look good in an.... 8footer maybe?

The world is such a wicked place,war btween the human race. People work to earn their bread,while across the sea they're counting dead

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  • SRC Member

Are you setting up a FOWLR?? Even so, think must add one a time to see they get along and also watch the bio-load.I am sure you don't want to be in a spot where you are stuck with them if all six are not suitable.Try the least aggressive first IF YOU REALLY WANT to give it a shot.

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  • SRC Member

even if its a FOWLR,u cnanot have so many tangs..too cramp..in my 4ft FOWLR i now only have a sailfin n will only get one more tang whihc is the PBT...too many tangs in small tank is not avisable..

i have tried 5 tangs in 4ft n they dun have much room to swim

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