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shrimps and crabs

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most invertebrates are less tolerant of ammonia, nitrites and nitrate spikes.

i would really recommend u to read up of types of fishes/invertebrates.. If anything goes wrong even in an established tank, the inverts would die first.

ive been where u were, excited and cant wait to cycle and 2 clowns had to die because of my ignorance.

btw im still a newbie, so my advice are cheap advice... hahaha :lol:

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I have a 6 feet x 2.5 ft tank with lots of corals (overcrowded in fact) . My personal experience is that shrimps and small crabs are important as they eat the dead fish or food that is left over by the fish. and some shrimps eat the parasite of the fish!

I used to throw in about a dozen of shrimps (boxer , harlequin etc ) when I cycle the tank. most of them are still there!


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I have a 6 feet x 2.5 ft tank with lots of corals (overcrowded in fact) .

I used to throw in about a dozen of shrimps (boxer , harlequin etc ) when I cycle the tank. most of them are still there!

6' tank is total different from a 3' tank. The parameter are more stable cos of the volume. You can afford to make small mistake.

On the hand, if some thing goes wrong with a 3' then everything might also die too.

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  • SRC Member
I used to throw in about a dozen of shrimps (boxer , harlequin etc ) when I cycle the tank. most of them are still there!

Just in case new reefers get misled.....


Some reefers got away with that because their systems are a little bigger than average.....

Even with large reefs, the die offs from Liverocks would be substantial enough to trigger ammonia into your system....

Other options include introducing some pieces of dead shrimps/squid....

Leave livestock out till your system is ready.......


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couldn't agree more.. anyway, this is the first time i heard that ppl use shrimps to cycle the tank... :blink:

the jelly fish tanks that i saw in melbourne aquarium are circular tanks and they feed them with freshly hatched Brine shrimps and i do not see any filter except small holes where water flow back into the backdrop or wall and seeing them (jelly fishes) going in circles due to the water gushing out above... no LR or anything that sort..

Agreed with AT, they should be left in the ocean or sea than in our tanks. i seriously doubt that we are able to provide the kind of food and environment that they required.

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Dunn say liao.. Shrimp from Phillipines.. Say his shipment of 3, left only 2, so got to sell me more ex.. $35 for one big one.. Boh pian... My two harlequin buay gum.. But now come to think of it, it's quite worth it lor.. Two of them pair up so cute.. :)

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