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  • SRC Member
i'm using aquatim.. its good.. more concentrated than DT

not very true. it is even higher on the setchi stick than DT's... if nvr rmb wrongly its at 2.5cm mark while DT is at 1+cm mark. u cant compare it to DT too, since the size and the organism is diff size, but on a whole, i think that DT's is much more worth it than AQ. not only that, if i'm not wrong, the main ingredient of AQ is the phyto type: iso. iso is usually more effective for culturing artemia and rotifers. DT's however on the other hold, contain nano, which is used for a larger variety of things. if i'm not wrong, i read somewhere that some corals cant take in iso, but can take in nano, forgot why liao...

i think they will still manufacture DT's, since its definitely more economical and used for a wider variety. plus, i heard its raking in a lot from sales... so i highly doubt DT would stop culturing... but if they do, i think FAFUSA might wanna consider selling liquid phyto...

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