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Bicolour Dottyback

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Thanks everyone for your response.

Neokn, that fish is not Hawaiian Flame Angel. Scroll upwards and see RAV email on 21 Oct. I'm referring to the fish on the left. Was advised that this is a Clarion Angel but when I search the web for Clarion Angel, it does not look like the one in RAV pix?? Anyone knows the actual name of that fish?

I have a Flashback Gramma which I added together with a Strawberry Gramma. Unfortunately, the Flashback Gramma turned out to be more agressive and attack the Strawberry Gramma and my Rainfordi's Goby. The Strawberry Gramma died of tail infection.

I'm thinking of adding a Royal Gramma in future. What precaution should I take that such incident will not happen again. I'm thinking of "boxing" up the Flashback before adding the Royal.

Any tips on making Grammas live peacefully with each other?

Will grammas attack Clownfishes?

I also had a fan that blows at the surface of the tank but dust do accumulate on the water surface? Any tips to reduce dust on surface (rather than having to scoop up surface water and discarding it)?

Thanks. Felix

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These are the few species to tell the differents.


Bi-color dottyback


Royal gramma


Brazilian gramma

I reckon when Felix mentioned false gramma means brazilian gramma. If you don't mind, I can offer you my service FOC with a glass of ice water if you're near me. I stay Sembawang.

false gramma should be the royal dottyback.

the brazillian gramma is not the false gramma.

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Thanks everyone for your response.

Neokn, that fish is not Hawaiian Flame Angel. Scroll upwards and see RAV email on 21 Oct. I'm referring to the fish on the left. Was advised that this is a Clarion Angel but when I search the web for Clarion Angel, it does not look like the one in RAV pix?? Anyone knows the actual name of that fish?

I have a Flashback Gramma which I added together with a Strawberry Gramma. Unfortunately, the Flashback Gramma turned out to be more agressive and attack the Strawberry Gramma and my Rainfordi's Goby. The Strawberry Gramma died of tail infection.

I'm thinking of adding a Royal Gramma in future. What precaution should I take that such incident will not happen again. I'm thinking of "boxing" up the Flashback before adding the Royal.

Any tips on making Grammas live peacefully with each other?

Will grammas attack Clownfishes?

I also had a fan that blows at the surface of the tank but dust do accumulate on the water surface? Any tips to reduce dust on surface (rather than having to scoop up surface water and discarding it)?

Thanks. Felix

RAV-65 avatar is a Centropyge boylei aka Peppermint angelfish . It comes with a 4 digit tag on it.

Grammas are advised to keep as per piece per tank unless paired/ you have a 6' tank. But their are cases of otherwise. Basically, Grammas will chase any LS that get near its "nest"

For surface dust, you can use a surface skimmer or overflow box.


That's what I reckon from Felix question.




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Thanks Neokn, now I know the name of this fish, has anyone seen this fish locally?

The one posted by RAV looks very orangey and very nice.

Neokn, can you confirm that a surface skimmer is not a protein skimmer as I already have a protein skimmer?

Any recommendation on which brand of surface skimmer to buy?

Mine is a 2 ft tank.



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Thanks Neokn, now I know the name of this fish, has anyone seen this fish locally?

The one posted by RAV looks very orangey and very nice.

Neokn, can you confirm that a surface skimmer is not a protein skimmer as I already have a protein skimmer?

Any recommendation on which brand of surface skimmer to buy?

Mine is a 2 ft tank.



Some protein skimmer do come with opeartional upgrade for surface skimming purposes. Check out the ones you have currently.

Which brand of skimmer are you using?


Nope, I'm not aimming for that angelfish. Here is the angelfish that I' hopping to get.


Centropyge interruptus aka Japanese angelfish




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