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Angel Fishes Went Heaven!

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Hi all brothers,

Need your advise.

I have this 2.5' tank, which has been stablized and the fishes are happily stay and everything was alright.... 2 days ago, my coral beauty & one blue trigger died. Then, this morning my lemon peer also follow them. Why? I checked thru their bodies, there isn't any trace of wound.... My anemone is doing fine, the rest of fishes are still happily living there..... What could goes wrong? Any advise?

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  • SRC Member

I bet the fish that died are the sensitive type and the survival are the hardy fish like the damsel, clown right?

This is what I do when introducing sensitive fish.....

1) place the plastic bag in my tank for at least 15-30 minutes to balance the temperature

2) add some amount of tank water inside the plastic bag and wait for a couple minutes before releasing to the display tank.

After introducing the new fish, I tend to feed more and observe how the new fish fares. If the fish is not eating well, think of a way to let him eat eg buy live brine shrimp (readily available) or live mysis shrimps(not so easily)....

I also notice that sometimes certain LFS livestocks tend to die easily so I avoid buying from there.....

:) Greeting :)

Tank: 4' by 2' by 2' (CR antique)

Sump: 3' include 1' refuigm

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I believe it has got something to do with the water parameter!......What are your parameter reading? :huh: .....if not.....probably these fishes already kanna cynide when being caught!..... :(

Hi Kareen, I believe BlueKing has these fishes for a while liao......so probably got nothing to do with how he introduce the fishes into the tank....... ;)

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  • SRC Member
I bet the fish that died are the sensitive type and the survival are the hardy fish like the damsel, clown right? 

This is what I do when introducing sensitive fish.....

1) place the plastic bag in my tank for at least 15-30 minutes to balance the temperature

2) add some amount of tank water inside the plastic bag and wait for a couple minutes before releasing to the display tank.

After introducing the new fish, I tend to feed more and observe how the new fish fares.  If the fish is not eating well, think of a way to let him eat eg buy live brine shrimp (readily available) or live mysis shrimps(not so easily)....

I also notice that sometimes certain LFS livestocks tend to die easily so I avoid buying from there.....


also for your info the way u intro fish.. u performing the same thing as what those fresh water fish method is...

this wont really work for marine.

What most do is just slow drip your tank water into the bag and have it mix for a few hours. till the bag got most of your tank water...

and some will put their fish in their Q tank first and make sure they r feeding and no sight of illness be4 adding to the main.

And for me I know who I'm getting and know how to select fish. I just pour the fish into my main tank.. :D

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Hi all brothers,

Need your advise.

I have this 2.5' tank, which has been stablized and the fishes are happily stay and everything was alright.... 2 days ago, my coral beauty & one blue trigger died. Then, this morning my lemon peer also follow them. Why? I checked thru their bodies, there isn't any trace of wound.... My anemone is doing fine, the rest of fishes are still happily living there..... What could goes wrong? Any advise?

How long was your alright... and pls give us my detail of your tank spec

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Not sure what the water parameter....

I changed water every 2 weeks.

The fishes have been there 3~8 months liao..... As mentioned, they all eat a lot and live happiliy.... The only thing change recently is my protien skimmer. I changed from air bubble base to water pump base.... Which suppose to be better????

Anyway, will keep monitor.

Thanks all brothers.

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