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How To Feed Carpet Anemone...

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Got a small carpet anemone who is hosting my 2 percula clowns...

problem is that the anemone seems to find a comfort zone between 2 vertical rocks and it is attached to one of the rocks vertically. My 2 clowns seemed very confortable with it, and now they like hanging around there as well. <_<

I've heard ppl feeding anemone with prawns, but looking at my situation, its quite impossible right? the prawn will probably drop on the sand bed and rot in there.

How huh? :unsure:

What else do you guys feed your anemone?


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Carpet anemones are so sticky at their tentacles. They basically eat anything. Mine once ate a flame scallop. I would think that if you put your finger into it long enough the anemone would eat it too.

Always something more important than fish.


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clownd will take food back for anemone sometimes.. didn't that happen??

eh..i tried putting a piece of prawn on the sandbed...but i think the 2 clowns (literally) did not notice it. I'll try putting it closer tomorrow, a real small piece so tat my clowns can carry them :)

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ha ha will try... but 1 whole piece of market prawn is probably heavier than my 2 little clowns add together :lol:

Why not you just put the prawn into the anemone directly? Why make your clowns perform slavery? :rolleyes:

Always something more important than fish.


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Why not you just put the prawn into the anemone directly? Why make your clowns perform slavery? :rolleyes:

my carpet is attached on the vertical side of the rock....if i drop it in, it'll probably fell into the space between the rocks and i'll have problem getting it out. :)

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well i fed my with prawns now. U can try those frozen mysis shrimps first. The clowns will take em in plus let some drop onto the tentacles.

A word of caution, carpet needs plenty of light.

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well i fed my with prawns now. U can try those frozen mysis shrimps first. The clowns will take em in plus let some drop onto the tentacles.

A word of caution, carpet needs plenty of light.

hmm...then why is that bugger hiding between 2 rocks?

no choice...have to let it find its comfort zone, even if i dig it out now...it'll move there again <_<

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