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"Hydrogen peroxide+clove oil" for cloudy eyes?

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One of my gymnothorax tiles is again down with a cloudy eye. Can anyone give me a SPECIFIC indication as to how much hydrogen peroxide I should use per unit volume and how long I should immerse an eel in a hydrogen peroxide solution. Since I am putting the eel in a really tiny qurantine tank to maximise the effect, to prevent it from jumping and getting it stressed, can I mix clove oil with the hydrogen peroxide and add the mixture to the tank water?

Hydrogen peroxide: 3% w/w (10 VOL)

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You sure hydrogen peroxide can be used?

Its a bleaching agent ya know

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NO!!! :pinch: Do not pour the hydrogen peroxide into your main tank! What you should do is to try adding the antiseptic solution you have, 7 mls pre litre of salt water. Leave your fish inside the solution for 10-12mins. Careful, you may cause scarring to your fishes, so be extremely watchful as hydrogen peroxide is both corrosive and toxic to fishes and humans alike! Hydrogen peroxide is found in pharmacies. As for the clove oil, I am still extremely wary of it as it can kill fishes. I feel you should not use clove oil for your fishes together with hydrogen peroxide (unknown reaction)! However, I once had to sedate one of my eels using clove oil in order to feed them.

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What antibioitcs are available to you? Furanace, or Furanase (has alternate spelling), Maracyn-Two, Furacyn (nitrofurazone), Neomycin, Spectogram. Do you quarantine all new fish for 3+ weeks before adding them to your display tank? Do you think that your fish may have ich?


Terry B

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What antibioitcs are available to you? Furanace, or Furanase (has alternate spelling), Maracyn-Two, Furacyn (nitrofurazone), Neomycin, Spectogram. Do you quarantine all new fish for 3+ weeks before adding them to your display tank? Do you think that your fish may have ich?


Terry B

Scaleless fishes like eels never have ich. Yes, I do quarentine all my fishes before releasing them into the main tank.

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