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Nice Pictures for FOWLR

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Dear brothers,

Anyone has come across any very nice setup of FOWLR? Care to share the pictures?

I am quite torn between whether to go for reef or rock-only. I would like to see how nice can a FOWLR look :lol:

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FOWLR like dat is okay... wait till u see some 2 feet tanks with almost 15 or more fishes... the keeper tinks the fishes are okay as they survive and not die... but wat about depriving the fishes of space to grow and the endless stress they go through in having to compete for space... such fishes in captivity end up with very limited growth in size.... the truth is that it is possible to keep many fishes in one tank if the rocks and sandbed is mature, but the fishes maybe suffering without u knowing... :)

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  rapalla said:
I agree with you!  :eyebrow:

I am keeping a 2ft tank but you people won't like to see it as I have many fishes in my tank! *Guilty* :upsidedown:

That's why don’t dare to post pic. Scared wait kena flamed. Heh heh :P

Manage to keep my ALL fishes happy, disease-free and fat! No choice, poor boy cannot afford bigger tank or expensive equipment and would never borrow money from friends (for hobby) or make my girlfriend buy me anything. :lol:

Quote from Jack Neo movie "Bo lui beh yao kin... mai kiam lang lui" (translates into "No money never mind, don’t owe people money") B)

Unless my fishes can talk, I may never know if they are unhappy or not but at least I don't have any livestock (fishes or corals) dying on me, which is worse. Imagine buying livestock without thinking just for them to die in your tank or realise they not doing well then try to sell. Ack ack...

In a way, I guess it's a trade-off and refer to a thread posted long ago by the mods wondering if fishes should best be left in their natural habitat in the ocean for even a common clownfish will roam an area bigger than any home kept tank.

There surely will be plenty of room in the ocean but predators abound (remember the barracuda in the Nemo cartoon? ;) )

Not to mention food. How do we know that the pellets, cyclopeeze, nori, etc that we feed are what the fishes want to eat? Are they eating out of fear for starvation? Do they like eating the same things day in day out? Worse still, some people purposely minimise their feeding in order to maintain water quality! Pattern pattern more than badminton. What is the use of living in a mansion when you go hungry all day :( ? And these people think they are right too :whistle .

I also feel miserable living in a high rise concrete building with no garden and garage to call my own but can we sue government for not building bungalows for everyone? Should we also propose to the zoo to release all its animals instead of confining them in their tiny enclosures? :yeah: (Newsflash: Zebras spotted @Cross Street :lol: )

I think is a case of reasonable trade-off loh. Everyone has their own methods but same objective is to keep LS healthy and owner happy.

Just me two cents worth :peace::peace::peace:

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I also feel miserable living in a high rise concrete building with no garden and garage to call my own but can we sue government for not building bungalows for everyone? Should we also propose to the zoo to release all its animals instead of confining them in their tiny enclosures?  (Newsflash: Zebras spotted @Cross Street  )

I'm against overstocked tanks, but... I must say you got a point there dude! ;):bow::D

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  • 4 weeks later...

Here is my FOWLR tank to share with u all. :)

My Livestocks :

1 Four Stripe Damselfish

1 Yellow Belly Damselfish

1 Ocellaris Clownfish

1 Tomato Black Clownfish

1 Akindynos Clownfish

1 Tomato Clownfish

1 Yellow Angelfish

1 Rusty Angelfish

1 Bicolor Angelfish

2 Pepermint Shrimps

Tank: 3ftX1.5ftx1.5ft with Bulit-in Bio Filtration System:

Red Sea Prizm Skimmer:

Aqua FA410(3200L)&Dophin P2500(1500L) as return pump


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  Domino said:

I'm against overstocked tanks, but... I must say you got a point there dude! ;):bow::D

The private property market for private houses is into its 7th year of slump, there are abundance of nice big houses with gardens and garages, the only problem is that it is only available to Singaporeans who are able to afford. The affordability, will only boil down to people who can afford through means of a successful life/career. Either that or if you have a bountiful inheritence.

Pls do not lament the government and the heavens if you are not able to own one, its there waiting for you!

Everyone knows the animals are kept in enclosures to protect it from causing harm to humans, it is also a method of sustainence of their life, by providing a proper diet to them rather than having them roaming around Cross Street looking for food....

People do not plan to fail; Often they just fail to plan...

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  RAV-65 said:
Nice!  :P

So muich LR for a FOWLR??  :lol:

Ya...is around 30kg. All the liverocks are toys of my angel fishes...relli enjoy seeing them going through the holes from one end to another end and sometime u really dun know where they are...haha. And i think liverocks is the best investment for a FOWLR tank cos rock will not die like livestock. :)

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