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Marine equipment to clear (Part 1)

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Dear Reefer,

Been given order by my next half to clear my items as it taking up too much space and time such that she say no time for her :angry: . So will start selling away my hardware first. Prehap downsize the tank soon. :(

First to let go

Rowaphos 1kg bottle - $74

Brand new SEIO M820 - $65

(The packaging is still intact)

ARM media (leftover from the 22kg after i top up my CR)

still left with 9kg - $9.50/Kg

1 x Weipro MH model no: LM 100

Configuration: 2 x 150W MH and 2 x actinic FL. - $450

I have lot of additive/trace elementi which will give away some as no more use for me when i tap on the CR. Pirority will be given to the buyers first. If anyone of u need any additive/Trace element, do PM me/SMS me at 90258414.

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Must thanks everyone, as when i put up this post, a lot of reefers friend sms me on what happen. I thanks everbody for their concern, but it think my other half is more important than anything else.

As for the SEIO pump, item had been reserved, must thanks all the reefers for the suppoort.

ROWA phos (1 bottle had been reserved, left with one more bottle)

MH light, for those who enquire about the pic, you can view it at this link www.eaquanature.com/store/ product_info.php? cPath=34_72%26products_id=222 -

the light shown at the link differ from mine as my has two 150W MH and the MH is of a hanging type.


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