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Food For Baby Seahorses?


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  • SRC Member

you mean you have not feed your SH babies for 1 week, and they are still alive? must be kidding.

first food depends on what SH species you have. Most breeders use baby brine shrimp (BBS) and/or rotifers. There are quite a number of postings in this forum talking about BBS and rotifers culture, do a search.

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  • SRC Member

120+ at 1 week old is not bad at all :)

did you put the babies in a separate breeding/nursery tank? If you have not culture any live food before, I suggest buy rotifers from LFS (eg. WC) or hatch BBS which is very easy.

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  • SRC Member
120+ at 1 week old is not bad at all :)

did you put the babies in a separate breeding/nursery tank? If you have not culture any live food before, I suggest buy rotifers from LFS (eg. WC) or hatch BBS which is very easy.

on't mind telling me what constitutes a nursery tanK?

Hatching and buying BBS for them. Hope they survive...

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  • SRC Member
Guess breeding in the main tank are more sucessful....hmmm.....I lost all my SH files this afternoon again.....plus my clown flies..... :cry2:

Well, breeding tank fail, will try again next time......

Eulogy for Baby Seahorses...

(For all lovers of seahorses)

When they came to my life, I was thrilled with them...

So tiny and yet so adorable...

My paternal instinct started to develop...

I started asking questions...

How to feed them?

What to feed them?

What are the conducive conditions to nurture them?

It is as if having babies and holding the divine responsibility

to build them up as 'pillars of strength', oops...I meant 'horses' of strength!

Each day, I finished whatever I have to do to secure my ricebowl and then went fluttering back to them. When I see the cold opaque eyes of theirs staring motionless back to me, a portion of my heart went silently to mourn their deaths...

Alas...they knew the world that they were in and had discerned that they wouldn't be able to keep up with it, thus they chose to venture to the next realm where paradise awaits.

Those loved ones that they left behind, they entrust it to their human friends to love and care with a legacy yet to come...

And so now, these human friends of theirs vow to do whatever they could to keep a lasting legacy of seahorses... :P

haha...I think this flubberina13 must be siao! (Some readers may be heard commenting) It's okay...you are forgiven... :P

Help!!! AT!!! I think a schizoprenic is let loose in our forum!!! :yeah::yeah:

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  • SRC Member
on't mind telling me what constitutes a nursery tanK?

there are many different ways to setup a SH nursery tank, different people reported different results (and Ong hates nursery tank now :P)

if you are really interested in setting up one, suggest you read the details from http://www.seahorse.org articles section. Or you may want to try my new/copycat nursery tank in "Real's Seahorse Diary" thread :)

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  • SRC Member
there are many different ways to setup a SH nursery tank, different people reported different results (and Ong hates nursery tank now :P)

if you are really interested in setting up one, suggest you read the details from http://www.seahorse.org articles section. Or you may want to try my new/copycat nursery tank in "Real's Seahorse Diary" thread :)

Hey, real...really appreciate the introduction of the comprehensive and reader-friendly website you have supplied.

Thanks... :bow:

Hope the info suffices for me to bring the babies through... :P

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Why not you all try putting the seahorse fries in a refugium or some kind? Deep sand bed, etc? Hopefully they will be lucky enough to find enough micro-organisms to hunt themselves?

I know of this aquarium whereby they put mandarinfish in just a tank with a few inches of large coral chips. No feeding at all and all the mandarinfish are all full and happy. A point to consider? :P

Always something more important than fish.


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there are many different ways to setup a SH nursery tank, different people reported different results (and Ong hates nursery tank now :P)

if you are really interested in setting up one, suggest you read the details from http://www.seahorse.org articles section. Or you may want to try my new/copycat nursery tank in "Real's Seahorse Diary" thread :)

Ha Ha....My nursery tank is around and running, today (on leave) just top up a layer of #0 sand to set as a DSB method w/o skimmer. Hope the next birth will have a better luck.

Guess what? I just went to LCK to purchase another pair of H.reidi for less than 100.... :D

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  • SRC Member

Ong, what a coincidence! I was at LCK110 about 3pm today, did not see you leh? I bought a orange female H.reidi from them. I also bought a orange male from WC on Monday. Really cannot resist the temptation lah, so discipline all violated :P

so now we are tied at 2 pairs of reidi :) Wonder if Acedophin also buy another pair...

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Halo Real,

Did went down to LCK yesterday. Did not buy any though because no income yet. Anyway just to update my reidi, the female is eating well and looks bloated(with eggs, i guess) Courtship is on the way, the male tried to inflate its pouch but the female just keep inspecting the pouch with great attention and just turn away. Male is a bit reserved and shy :paiseh::paiseh: when approach by the female. I think the ball is with the male now. Let's wait a few days for any result then. Cheers! {Lucky human don't inspect and determine whether it time or not} :off::off:

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