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Chiller compulsory?

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Hi all,

is a chiller compulsory for SPS? My tank is kept in an aircon room and during the day, the lights are off... when the lights come on, the air-con is switched on as well, on a normal day, the temperature swings from 25-28+ degrees, seldom hitting 29 degress, is that good enough for SPS? Or do I definitely need a chiller?

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heyo pal...

too big a fluctuation?

3 degrees..seems a little roller coaster to me..

get a cheaper chiller loh...

i am sure it will do wonders... :P

Aiyoh bro,

My problem is dat I got no space for a chiller... :( Unless I have a chiller in the middle of my room ... :(

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for arctica and daeil...preset one...+-0.8

i set at 26.4...when it hits 26.8..it will start...and cool down to 26.0

so the 26.4 that u set...is the mid point so as to speak..

in this case...running higher watt MH will result in chiller coming on off very often and think it'll be more costly ...

(running 250W and 400W ..water heats up faster)

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the pump to my chiller bro once, was able to catch the problem before the temp. when higher....i think it when from 27 to 30 degree in 2 hours...1 SPS RTN, the rest OK.....but seriously, i wouldn't know what will happen if this is repeated every day....

IMHO, its not just fluctuation but the rate of fluctuation.....for your case with air-con, the rate of fluction might still be ok....one suggetion is that instead of installing a chiller, have some temparture cut of devise that will switch off you MH when the temp hits say 28.5.....then those rare occasion where it hit 29 will be reduce....

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  • SRC Member

Hi rav-65,

the the temp is not swingin in a fast time manner, then it shld be ok. (in terms of 2-3rs maybe?) of cos it wld be best to get a chiller as it'll maintain the temp constantly. HOWEVER!, ur room will be hot like oven too due to the heat which will be generate by the chiller.

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  • SRC Member
Hi all,

is a chiller compulsory for SPS? My tank is kept in an aircon room and during the day, the lights are off... when the lights come on, the air-con is switched on as well, on a normal day, the temperature swings from 25-28+ degrees, seldom hitting 29 degress, is that good enough for SPS? Or do I definitely need a chiller?

bro, what is important for sps is temp around 27-29 can liao. if ur temp seldom hit 29, then no need chiller lor... but if ur water gets too cold (i suppose it is becos u like cold so u set air con too low) then put a heater in to maintain water temp at 27. so u will have a swing between 27-29 throughout the day.

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  • SRC Member
agree with untouchables. prob can use a timer for the heater so as u dun hv to trouble urself to turn off/on everytime. :lol:

no need timer. buy a better heater like rena and tetra and it will come with a reliable thermostat built in so auto on auto off. dun try those cheap ones hor... thermostat break down.......

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  • SRC Member

ime..... buy a profantec fan or other DC fan......... run the aircon can maintain the tempreture...

i run a 400w metal halide..... with fan and air con alone.... can maintain tempreture at 26 degree celcius...... my air con tempreture is set at 23 degree celcius...... hope this helps....

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