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What's wrong with me?


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Last night did'nt really sleep...cause of coffee overdose. Woke up at 9.30am (usually noon) as I was feeling hungry. Ate 6 char siew baos. Watched tv. About 11am, ate mee siam. About 3-4pm, ate bak chor mee. Had dinner around 7pm. Came home, ate dinner again. And from 11pm till now I have eaten 3 loafs of hotdog buns. I'm still feeling hungry. I'm not even including the little cans of drinks outside and the titbits I munch at home...Why can't I feel full?! :(

Always something more important than fish.


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Did u poo poo too much today ?

Or do you have any stomatch problem.

I guess you are not feeling not your stomatch full. It's happen when you want to eat something but not availabe and you subtitute others.

Life is like a peice of Uncured Live Rock [ from LFS ], you never know what you gonna get.........

Ocean Gump

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  nicky30092002 said:
part of growing up :P

? I'm 22 already....and my appetite instead of getting smaller its getting bigger (it was lousy for the past month..maybe now compensation point?) Not sure also. Sigh. More $ gone to food.

Always something more important than fish.


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  FuEl said:
? No tummy problem. Only crapped once today. Wonder where the rest all went.

Still in your stomatch:)

Be careful, eating every 3 hrs means, your digestion system something wrong.

I need to eat like you do when my gastric come in.

Currently me like this , so every 3 hours eat some thing BIG :)

Geex now hungry already.

Life is like a peice of Uncured Live Rock [ from LFS ], you never know what you gonna get.........

Ocean Gump

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  FuEl said:

? I'm 22 already....and my appetite instead of getting smaller its getting bigger (it was lousy for the past month..maybe now compensation point?) Not sure also. Sigh. More $ gone to food.

Bro, maybe its ur 9th stage of puberty?! :lol:

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  minsmarine said:
Did u poo poo too much today ?

Or do you have any stomatch problem.

I guess you are not feeling not your stomatch full. It's happen when you want to eat something but not availabe and you subtitute others.

Agree with Minsmarine. We will feel hungry if we dont satisfy ourselves with the food we crave for. Happens to me sometimes.

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  FuEl said:

? I'm 22 already....and my appetite instead of getting smaller its getting bigger (it was lousy for the past month..maybe now compensation point?) Not sure also. Sigh. More $ gone to food.

:lol: Maybe u're getting bigger. I got the same big appettite since last 2mth. Sleep a lot too. My friend increases in size n weight in juz 4mth. :eyebrow:

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Mabbe you under some kind of stress, causing you to binge? Could be psychological you know... I know girls have such urges as part of their PMS. haha... not saying you turning into a girl :lol: , but watch the diet. Input without output can only have one result at age 22. Growing horizontally that is.

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  terryansimon said:
classic symptoms of stress related disorder.

Geez you know this also ?

Is there any thing you don't know :D

Life is like a peice of Uncured Live Rock [ from LFS ], you never know what you gonna get.........

Ocean Gump

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easy lahz,just repeat these few words to urself"my seafans are fine,my ###### shrimps are alright,my nitrates are low,my seafans are fine,my ###### shrimps are alright,my nitrates are low,my seafans are fine,my ###### shrimps are alright"take deep slow breathes in between,this should solve ur problem. :D:D:D

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  moron_clown said:
easy lahz,just repeat these few words to urself"my seafans are fine,my ###### shrimps are alright,my nitrates are low,my seafans are fine,my ###### shrimps are alright,my nitrates are low,my seafans are fine,my ###### shrimps are alright"take deep slow breathes in between,this should solve ur problem. :D:D:D

Wahahaha... dat's the best one I heard this week!! :lol::lol::lol:

People do not plan to fail; Often they just fail to plan...

Wat I do to prevent myself from tearing my hair out... My stress remedy...


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