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Can Power Blue, Power Black, Power Brown

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  • SRC Member

just found out powder black is the white cheeked surgeon.

unless you have a BIG tank with good filtration...

and swiiming space PLUS hiding space.

i dun think you can keep all 3 together.

powder brown and black look almost the same,

black is more difficult to keep though,

and PBT are quite aggressive

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  • SRC Member

Er... yahz, thats a Gold Rimmed Tang aka White Cheeked Surgeon. Found around Hawaii, costs quite a bit and is hard to keep.

The Website you got the pic from offers rather accurate advice on individual marine fish.

Except maybe the size of tank that they recommend is lower than what experts elsewhere recommend.

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  • SRC Member


It's Powder, not power.


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Can Power Blue, Black & Brown keep together ??????

Are there easy to keep ???????

Can keep in the Reef tank ???

pls advise .... :thanks::thanks:

:lol::lol::lol: Eh is your tank 30 feet :lol::lol::lol::lol: No these 3 tang cannot be put together as they are all of the same shape and they will ifght, BTW all of them are aggressive............

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  • SRC Member

3 will fight very aggressively....unless u hv super big tank or the 3 totally different in sizes, ie, very big n very sml

Main Tank : 48 inch by 36 inch by 28 inch (2 sides starphire glass)
Sump Tank :
Return Pump :
Chiller : Starmax Compressor 1 HP Drop coil
Chiller Return Pump
Protein Skimmer :
Wave Maker :
Fluidised Reactor :

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Er... yahz, thats a Gold Rimmed Tang aka White Cheeked Surgeon. Found around Hawaii, costs quite a bit and is hard to keep.

The Website you got the pic from offers rather accurate advice on individual marine fish.

Except maybe the size of tank that they recommend is lower than what experts elsewhere recommend.

you're right thats a goldrimmed but they're not costly at all actually. I had mine for a low cost at a good size and they feed well with no problems. Theres another variety which is seldom available and I think it's more beautiful then the goldrimmed. I've attached the difference :)


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Er... yahz, thats a Gold Rimmed Tang aka White Cheeked Surgeon.  Found around Hawaii, costs quite a bit and is hard to keep.

The Website you got the pic from offers rather accurate advice on individual marine fish. 

Except maybe the size of tank that they recommend is lower than what experts elsewhere recommend.

Gold rimmed is (Acanthurus Nigricans) and White Face is (Acanthurus Joponicus) also known as powder browns which is confusing to new aquarist. The differences is that Japonicus has some red colouration and has a wider patch of white on it's face (hence the name "White Face") where else Nigricans has a "white streak" under it's eye. (hence the name "white cheek") I managed to see a cross between Achilles tang and Acanthurus Joponicus but it's seldom and rarely caught. It was truly stunning and I wish I had my camera at the time! :(


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