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  • SRC Member

hi bros.. i need help with these parasitic creatures on my moon....

after some reading i think its flatworms as the creatures looks very similar to this

i also gather that salifert has a product named Salifert flartworm exit..

has anybody tried this product b4? will it help extradicate those flatworms or anybody have any other method?



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Are you sure those are flat worm in the first place and not some secretion by the moon corals?

My moon had something like that and I thought those were flat worms. After I took the moon coral out with the intention of removing them. I found that they are just some brown substances/liquid, you can try use a tissue paper and see if they are "sucked" out by the tissue.

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  • SRC Member

omg! :cry:

dat is damn bad man..

the parasites is like moving ard only in(i dunno whether this is a right term for it) my moon coral..

what if i remove the piece and put it in a diff tank and use it?

looks like little brown aliens trying to invade my moon.. :pinch:

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