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burned by corals.


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  • SRC Member

hello...i've just finished some serious pruning of my sps...i feel a very strong burning sensation on the tips of my fingers...havent experienced that before...i have to run it under cool water to relief the discomfort....anyone experienced this before???what can i do to lessen the pain??

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  • SRC Member

I doubt your culprit is the sps but rather the work of the shady bristleworms. I had that experience before... :angry:

If you observe carefully... there are some tiny fine 'needles' embedded in your fingers, right?

Quite a number of methods...

1) Run your fingers through your hair. Needles wil come off...

2) Use a tweezers and gently and manually 'pull' each needle out... :( provided they are big enough to be seen...

3) Soak your hands in a container of lukewarm water. This helps to lessen the pain.

Usually it won't last for more than a few hours at the most. And nowadays, I am extremely careful if I use bare hands in the tank and used gloves where possible... :P

That's all I can remember...

Any other contributions... :rolleyes:

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Erm.......last night I did some minor rock scaping to allow more space for placement of my corals......and also maintenance.....cleaning of some stubborn algae with my credit card :lol::lol: .......after finishing, my hand (behind my palm) was damp ichy!!!!.......and I scratch until it was red.......after a while I realised a few red dots on my hand...... :(

For me, I suspected is the galaxy, bubble & octo...or maybe the elegence that has stung me...... <_<

Even now when I am typing, I can still see a couple of small red dots on my hand......wonder if I am sensitive or really being stung by the corals....... :huh:

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  • SRC Member
1) Run your fingers through your hair. Needles wil come off...

And the needles will ended on ur head :evil::lol:


There are 2 types of person, those that chose learn n do it rite the first time and those tat chose to learn it the hard way.

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  • SRC Member
Erm.......last night I did some minor rock scaping to allow more space for placement of my corals......and also maintenance.....cleaning of some stubborn algae with my credit card :lol::lol: .......after finishing, my hand (behind my palm) was damp ichy!!!!.......and I scratch until it was red.......after a while I realised a few red dots on my hand...... :(

For me, I suspected is the galaxy, bubble & octo...or maybe the elegence that has stung me...... <_<

Even now when I am typing, I can still see a couple of small red dots on my hand......wonder if I am sensitive or really being stung by the corals....... :huh:

you red mark might be some worm bite... look out if it heal or not..

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  • SRC Member
Sis and bro ..

pls seek medical attention, if you till> experience the pain 'or ichy' after one to two days. Be safe than sorrie. :lol:

pls read > ;)



:sick::blink::shock::ph34r::fear::pinch: .......better wear glove next time.....didnt know it can be taht serious......I wouldnt want my fingers or hand amputated!!!! :cry:

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FInally , there is something regarding this...i have been thinking what is all this pricky thing since i started marine.... Wha, was pricked badly while choosing LR's from IWRa*** ..I used gloved too in my tank but it sems worst cous my glove is not the coralife type the long type..mine is the bucther kind si the water is able to seep through and worst still, All my whole arm got the tiny like pricky thing sticking out, i try rubbing it with my the other hand and OUCH..decided not to touch it and left it there..waited for 1 week till the pain is no longer there... :blink::angry::(

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bro giantbicycle,

Do be careful. if the symptom > return. will be better for you to seek medical attention.

maybe .. the shops should take note of this too.. protect their customer. ;)

na, its not the problem with the shop, the gloves are just being used up by some ppl so i use my bare hands to choose the LR's :) not to blame the shop.. :):peace: Its my fault for impatience.. :peace:

sure..i will be more careful as i knws what is it now... Thanks for the info :)

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huh...how come wear glove still can get????

the worm crawl into the glove?? ;);)

i was at home going to re-stacked the LRS and my gove is the short kind, but some how, the pricky things are drifting ard in the water and as the water seeps in thru my gloves, my hand kana and i tot a crab when in and bite me..but to my horror..all the pricky stuff :)

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I ever got stung by an elegance coral thru an open wound on my palm. Its so painful and burning. My whole palm was swollen in a matter of 10mins. Have to seek medical attention at a nearby clinic and receive a jab. Took 2-3 days before the swollen palm reduce to normal :P

So be careful when u handle coral after your hand got cut by some live rock or coral skeleton...

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hehe posted in another forum.... pls handle zooanthid with care... When trimmin or fragging this corals, always use a gloves and wear protective goggles..... These guys are known to contain neurotoxin and many of the reefers get sprayed onto thier eyes by zoos and after a while their eye become swollen like sotong ball

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hehe posted in another forum.... pls handle zooanthid with care... When trimmin or fragging this corals, always use a gloves and wear protective goggles..... These guys are known to contain neurotoxin and many of the reefers get sprayed onto thier eyes by zoos and after a while their eye become swollen like sotong ball

Wah.... like so comical... but I tink the hazard is a real situation, so fellow reefers need to be careful and exercise caution... :)

People do not plan to fail; Often they just fail to plan...

Wat I do to prevent myself from tearing my hair out... My stress remedy...


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Wah.... like so comical... but I tink the hazard is a real situation, so fellow reefers need to be careful and exercise caution... :)

yeah and if you hyave open wound dun handle the zoos are you are in for somedeep trouble.. probably ur life may end ;););) Lastly after handling zoos, remember to wash your hand properly

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