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Aquamedic Denitrator


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For users of the Aquamedic denitrator, how long did it take before it became effective. i.e output from denitrator is free or reduced level of nitrate.

I have been using mine for about 2 months now and I am still getting nitrite at the output. Yes, it is no mistake. NO2.

Is this normal? :(

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there is no fix drip rate. One way to do it is this, slow down your drip rate to a point when you start to smell rotten eggs(drip rate too slow), this is potentially dangerous as it is going to foul up your water, so you must monitor closely.

Then you increase your drip rate SLOWLY(have to be slow so you don't overshoot) until the point whereby the rotten egg smell just disappeared. That means you must be at the threshold point whereby a little bit slower you will get the rotten egg smell, a little bit faster the denitrator will not work.

Quite a bit of tuning required, it took me 4 months to tune and bring down my nitrate level. Btw I am using the nitrate reductor 1000. Good Luck...

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there is no fix drip rate. One way to do it is this, slow down your drip rate to a point when you start to smell rotten eggs(drip rate too slow), this is potentially dangerous as it is going to foul up your water, so you must monitor closely.

Then you increase your drip rate SLOWLY(have to be slow so you don't overshoot) until the point whereby the rotten egg smell just disappeared. That means you must be at the threshold point whereby a little bit slower you will get the rotten egg smell, a little bit faster the denitrator will not work.

Quite a bit of tuning required, it took me 4 months to tune and bring down my nitrate level. Btw I am using the nitrate reductor 1000. Good Luck...

i believe that's correct. took me abt 2 mths to tune it.

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