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Dusk/dawn Effect Using T5


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I'm thinking of saving up for 4 T5 tubes for my 4feetX18inchX18inch tank.

I will be ordering the tubes from eAquanature.

Ballast and end caps should be getting from Sim Lim Tower.

Anyway... I was thinking if there is any electronic controller out there which I can use to connect to the power switch for my lights so that the brightness of the lights can be increased and decreased over a period of time?

I'm an electrical noob so any advice would be welcome. :rolleyes:

Always something more important than fish.


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  • SRC Member

I am planning to do dusk/dawn effect too. I instead will have 2 sets of 3x39W T5 lights. Set A is 3xSun/AquaBlue and Set B is 3xActinic. Set A & B is connect to different power point with timer. Then I start Set B in morning, 40 mins later start Set A, at night switch off Set A first, then 40 mins later stop Set B.

I might get Set A 4x39W and Set B 2x39W instead.

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I believe eAquaNature is bringing in some electronic dimmer to control the brightness of T5 which should fit your purpose.

That information was lost in the forum data corruption, you can try asking Edmund. He's rather busy with his newborn though so suggest you contact him via his handphone.

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until now, i still cannot understand why T5 is chosen over MH ? yes, T5 is not so hot, but if you compare the same wattage, its as hot as MH. i went thru similar exercise when i was evaluating which lighting system to go. the rippling effect of MH cannot be replaced by T5. and total cost wise, T5 is actually more expensive.

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  • SRC Member

There should be some dimmable controller out on the market somewhere.

I am using 2 x T5 dimmable ballast from osram hook up on my IKS. The dim function is obtain thru the iks module, SIMMOD, which control from 0V - 10V in 30mins. So I get sunrise and sunset effect when the light comes on and goes off.

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