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Hi to all at SRC

I new to this hobby and have brown hair algae all over my 4' tank which do being destroy

I completely renew reset the tank with grade '0" chips and filled with 12 bags which rises to about 5" depth of coral chips and add in the LR which is running about 1 week which also added 2 shrimps for recycling

My tanks run on two ehiem canister attach with a chiller and 2MH lights of 20K

Pls adv how long do I need for the run in to complete before I can add corals fish


W :thanks: hat do I need to monitor - e..g. nitrites, kh, ph etc.

Pls adv


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Hi bernardo

Welcome to SRC.

Errr...I think you post in the wrong section......probably the moderator can help.

In any case, for a start, measure your NH4, NO2 and NO3.......then slowly you go into ph, dKH, PO4, Cal and Mg.......as you start stocking up with corals......and it also depend on what sort of corals you are in. Some corals, eg. SPS & LPS depend a lot on specific parameter for growth......besides this for a successful reefer.....that is also a lot of other husbandry skill that you will pick up along the way........read some of the thread discuss here in SRC........ ;)

If possible, you may want to list out your current setup so that our Lao Jiao (old bird) here can advise.

Happy reefing...... :lol:

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actually are you new to marine fishkeeping in general or just reefing? if you have no experience in marine fish at all i think you should stay away from corals for a while until you get the hang of de-nitrifying your tank. basically start with a fish only with live rocks (FOWLR) setup and then progress to corals once you learn more.

i could be wrong and you might already be experience in marine fishkeeping, but from what you're asking about the kinds of parameters to test for, I am guessing you haven't kept marine fish before. Best to not be too ambitious and start with fish first or you'll find the learning curve very steep. :unsure:

Be teachable always, nobody has a monopoly on wisdom. But learn to distinguish "fact" from "opinion".

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