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marine blood parrot

optimus prime

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hi bro, sorry i m overseas at the moment. care to tell me what hv this gotta do wif $8888? thx

btw, i wun be surprised as some species of freshwater fish hv been known to survive in SW........ think platys r one of them. moreover, BPs r genetically altered.

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  • SRC Member

once i put a goldfish with fin-rot in my quarantine tank.. with very high salt content coz never bother to top up.. could not swim at all... gonna die... next day happily swiming arnd the tank! so i put it back into FW and it died the next day... :unsure:

The world is such a wicked place,war btween the human race. People work to earn their bread,while across the sea they're counting dead

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  • SRC Member

u can almost see it now...

everyone rushing to lfs after work today to buy BP and then go home to put into their marine tank to test... oh oh BP die straight away. oh NO! BP contaminated the marine tank, now all LS died and corals dying oso :(

that would be 1/2 the crowd :whistle

the other half will be buying marine salt (or possibly cooking salt from ntuc or the nearest mamak shop) and going home to convert their BP in fw tank to salt water. put 1 cup, stir, taste. not salty enough? put another cup, stir, taste. ah juz nice. oh oh some BP died... :upsidedown:

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  • SRC Member

I was in T95 once and saw a Louhan in a saltwater too.

I don't believe it until I tasted the water myself. So what should a parrat fish in saltwater command $8888.. he probably wanted another louhan craze.

Tank 4x2x2.5

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  • SRC Member

I saw a few marine blood parrots in EAN last week... :P

They are actually a bunch of tomato clown travelling incognito. No stripes and no dark bellies... :lol::lol::lol:

Simply red throughout...except for the eyes... :)

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  • SRC Member

The NP article quoted the fella as saying he's the first person to make a blood parrot survive in salt water (his fish supposedly 4 months in salt water loh). As BP supposed to be auspicious or something like that, he said his is special because you can put into a beautiful marine tank with corals and marine fish etc. So justify the $8888 price. Some crap like that. Scary thing is, some of these HK businessmen might actually pay that kind of money I think :blink:

Be teachable always, nobody has a monopoly on wisdom. But learn to distinguish "fact" from "opinion".

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  • SRC Member

tasted the saltwater?

wah a bit too hiong?

could have asked the ah pek mah..

the water so dirty..


dun be offended....just a joke..

No offence. Ah pek already said it's saltwater.

But I don't believe.. so just taste a little with finger ma... :P

So it's a real louhan staying in saltwater..

Tank 4x2x2.5

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The NP article quoted the fella as saying he's the first person to make a blood parrot survive in salt water (his fish supposedly 4 months in salt water loh). As BP supposed to be auspicious or something like that, he said his is special because you can put into a beautiful marine tank with corals and marine fish etc. So justify the $8888 price. Some crap like that. Scary thing is, some of these HK businessmen might actually pay that kind of money I think :blink:

I smell another "Louhan Craze" coming......... :P

Anyway, I have tried converting mollies into Marine Environment with one day. But gave the mollies away (after 1 months) after seeing it with the rest of the marine fishes in the tank, it gives me a very unnatural feel. :evil:

I re-convert them into fresh water in another day and my auntie is still having them. :D

From what I know any fish that is from murky water can be converted, just that it is unnatural. Cuz in the nature they will not be able to compete with they salt water cousins when they are in the open sea. :P

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  • 1 month later...

i tink it could be true as i've seen luohans living in the canals close to east coast beach... the water there rises as the tide comes in.. and i'm sure its salt water..! tink those luohans that are released into canals after the luohan craze are a sad bunch.. poor thing..

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Cichilds in salt water not uncommon... go to Rochor Canal and you will see tonnes of them in the canal (I believed the water is blackish - if not really blackish :P ). I think those in the canal have adjusted to the water condition and I believed they are breeding in the canal...



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  • SRC Member

changing fresh to salt water defeat the purpose of keeping colourful marine fishes liao. if he can change marine fishes to fresh then it is worth then money($8888) . but still think that it is very cruel to do such a thing . moving some one to a unknow habitat

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