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aStRoBo|'s DIY T5


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  • SRC Member

Always wanted to DIY one set of T5.. so with the help from Dr_evil(thank you for all the help), my uncle, myself, i started to build one.. here goes..

I started connecting the main plug first to the e-ballast with my "lego".. as the normal Live, earth, neutral wires are too thick, i have to cut some wires from my end caps to connect from the e-ballast..


Everything's sold. Back in 2yrs time.


If it's a WRX, it gotta be STI.


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  • SRC Member

last pic..

mention the price too

e-ballast $42

end caps 2 pairs $12

PL casing(previous use of PL)

Plug and wirings around $2

Screws and nuts priceless

Aquaz tube actinic and blue pro $40

total ard: $96


Everything's sold. Back in 2yrs time.


If it's a WRX, it gotta be STI.


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  • SRC Member
alrite man.........cool stuff. btw, 2 tubes wont be sufficient...u need atleast 2 more.......

the more the merrier

i felt tat way too.. it's still dim.. will be diying another set.. will contact u for stuff if i need it.. ty..

Everything's sold. Back in 2yrs time.


If it's a WRX, it gotta be STI.


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  • SRC Member
mention the price too

e-ballast $42

end caps 2 pairs $12

Very nicely done. But prices for some items are on the high side.

end caps 2 pairs $12

End caps 2 pairs for $12 with wires? So 1 pair is $6.00 and 1 pc is $3.00. Think the price is very ex.

Think you better look look see see before you get your items.

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Can get at half the price.

maybe can help out more aspiring reefers who wants to DIY with some contacts. As these are parts...doesnt constitute to commercial sales interests and will benefit a lot of people. ;)

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  • SRC Member

That's what I found that a lot of reefers do not search up the forum enough to get information on where to get good prices for certain DIY parts. Can I start a thread and you pin it up at the top of the DIY forum ike the one in RC: Contacts/Prices For DIY Parts. If someone can come up with a cheaper location for the same product, then maybe need the moderators to 'overwrite' the previous thread/location with the cheaper location so there will not be 'clutter' of information.

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pretty good suggestion...it will be good to point to reefers few good places they can lookout for the parts. Think in that way, we are not promoting sales for any shop and can minimise involvement of commercial interest. :off:


Anyway...back to thread topic. I always have issues with modified lightsets ...normally..observed they are too small to fit in good reflectors in them. finds the effort in making the light set 100% but output of product somehow lacking in realising its full potential....

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  • SRC Member


Hope you do not mind using this thread for the benefit of all. OK, once I get back will start a thread in the DIY forum as mentioned and hope you can pinned it up in the DIY forum. Concerning as to get the cheapest price for a certain product, usually there will be only 1 place, and maybe rarely 2 places. Like what I mentioned, if someone can come out with a cheaper price at another shop, then this shop will replace the older shop. I think consumers will only go for the cheapest price and if someone owns a shop here that can sells cheaper DIY parts, then why not? Since at the end of the day, its the cheapest price that counts. As for the commercial interest part, because it is DIY, I do not think there will be any conflict of interest to the sponsers here as they sell mostly 'assembled' products. In case if anyone buys from the shop and then re-sells here to make money, then the reefers here can help to link to the thread to highlight to the buyer that he is being overcharged or the seller is making money.

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  • SRC Member
maybe can help out more aspiring reefers who wants to DIY with some contacts. As these are parts...doesnt constitute to commercial sales interests and will benefit a lot of people

Buy from me..... :D:D:D ......I am serious. The reason why i can get these stuff at a very competitive price as i work in the construction industry thus i know quite a few electrical suppliers, dealers and manufacturers (Lightings, Cables, Switches like MK, Clipsal, Legrand, ABB, etc)

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  • SRC Member


Great idea.!! :lol: .. It will be helpful to reefers who want to diy'' their equipment. - will save reefers $$$ . ;)

Agreed with you that > a lot of reefers do not search up the forum enough to get information on where to get good prices for certain DIY parts thus >> ended up > paying more.. :(

Hopes that more people will offer help to reefers who want to diy their equipment and >> not to earn profit from them..... <_<

any senior reefers .... care to start >> threads to help reefers to diy their equipment ??? help them to save $$ than >>trying to earn $$ from them..

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  • SRC Member

erm deepblue: haven use it for my tank yet.. under revamp.. mine only a 2footer, will be DIYing one more soon..

get ur equipments from dr_evil, orgabst or sim lim tower's sinter.

ps* some knowledge on connecting the wires of cos..

Everything's sold. Back in 2yrs time.


If it's a WRX, it gotta be STI.


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Can get DIY kits from me too... :D:D:D

T5 electronic ballast (24W, 39W & 54W - single & double)

T5 tubes (24W, 39W & 54W - 6000K, 6500K, 20000K & actinic blue)

T5 spider reflector (2ft, 3ft & 4ft)

T5 normal endcap connector

T5 waterproof endcap connector

PL/FL electronic ballast (36W & 54W - single & double)

PL tubes (36W & 55W - 6500K, 8000K, 10000K & Blue)

Delivery can be arranged. PM me if interested.

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