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Tomato Clown flies


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Just want to share an interesting baby flies of my tomato clown.

It's already 6days and wonder how long more before it detach itself from rocks.

I can see the silver color of the eye outline already.


Tank 4x2x2.5

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:lol: Fries fries..

Ya man.. Hope it will survive. Anyway my tank only have 1 purpletang, 1 hawkfish, 1 damsel.. Think the parents should be able to protect it.

Just worry that it will all go down to the sump in the end..

As requested, the parents tomato pic.


Tank 4x2x2.5

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With me for coming to a year already.. bought over from another reefer who keep it for sometime too..

Have been seeing it flirting for so long until finally some result now..

Tank 4x2x2.5

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My friend also advise me to separate it or catch the other fish away.

If's it achille tangs fries I might consider all these hazzard loh..

Will see what can i do to save it when it hatch.. hehe

Tank 4x2x2.5

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IF they float, then most lightly it will flush down to the overflow already.

I will cover the waterflow area with stocking.

Do you all know what should I feed it with?

I am too lazy to hatch brine shrimp, does it egg golden pearl?

Tank 4x2x2.5

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IF they float, then most lightly it will flush down to the overflow already.

I will cover the waterflow area with stocking.

Do you all know what should I feed it with?

I am too lazy to hatch brine shrimp, does it egg golden pearl?

I am new to Marine fish. But, used to feed my goldfish's flies with boiled egg yolk... Put the yolk in a stalking and shake it let the small fella to eat..... Not too much, if not will polute the water.... Good luck~!

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read this, towards the end of the article there is a small writeup on raising fries.....lots and lots of work....but hopes it help.....

anyway, it this would be quite easily for you to chielse off part of the rocks to get to the eggs....keep us updated on your progress...i think you will be the first here to give a us a detail account of how fries can be raise!!!!! :D

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Wah...Grandpa Clownfish.. :lol:

Hope the baby fries will survive the predation of the existing fish and may your clownfish parents be blessed with strength to protect them... :)

Not so worry about other fishes, I worry more that the fries will be suck into the overflow.

Today already 7 days, still attached to the rock. I can see that the fish body developing now. Look more like a fish.. :lol:

I think marine fish will need to grow to a certain size capable to swim and source for it's food before it detach from the LR. It's all nature in the open sea. Unlike discus fish hatch and swim out only after third day.

Removing the LR out is not a way for me cause it's quite a big pc. Let's see if I manage to net it out and put in those quarantine box. I will feed with baby brine shrimp paste.

Will update more pics.. ;)

Tank 4x2x2.5

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  • SRC Member
read this, towards the end of the article there is a small writeup on raising fries.....lots and lots of work....but hopes it help.....

anyway, it this would be quite easily for you to chielse off part of the rocks to get to the eggs....keep us updated on your progress...i think you will be the first here to give a us a detail account of how fries can be raise!!!!! :D

Thanks for the web info.

Seems like I must separate it even from it's parents. :(

Tank 4x2x2.5

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pity it is tomato clownfish fries, if true percula fries...... ho say liaoz!!!! u'll be rich! :yeah:

If it's true percula, then I will invest another miniature tank just for them to breed already. So besides CF selling captive breed, I am selling too.. :D

Tank 4x2x2.5

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Have been seeing the little eyes and stomach developing while still sticking to the LRs.

Sian this morning nothing left.. :( Suspect the parents had it for supper already.

Tank 4x2x2.5

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