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what are the effects from high levels of magnesium

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magnesium-->undetectable... too high


my question is

1)what cause the magnesium to be too high ... i never dose any magnesium or any additives for weeks... calcium reactor have been offline for weeks liao... and no water change have been done

2)what are the effects of too high a magnesium level.......

all tests are done with salifert test kit......... any advices ???

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but...one of the reefers from here says its not good...... he recommended me to change 20% of the water daily..... which i am doing..... so i just want to find out what are the long term effects of high levels of magnesium........ a question that even an accomplished reefer cant explain..... i decommision my calcium reactor for a few weeks.... did not add additives for a week before the testing... but the levels is still high..... so bros... anyone can explain this phenomenon ???

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  • SRC Member
...anyone can explain this phenomenon

There is really [bOLD]too little info[/bOLD] provided by you for anyone to reasonable guess how the high MG and others came about.

I'm thinking whether it was sometin you added between the time you stopped the CR and the testing... however you did not provide us with your water parameters before you stopped the CR... a whole lot of Qs are jus floating around... like pH please and what time of the day did you test? what do you feed your fishes, what type of LS do you keep, assuming it is SPSes, from your anonymous handle. Did you completely disconnected the tubes from the CR leading to the sump/tank or did you just switch off the CO2 and left the pump running? Why did you switch off the CR anyway? How about photo-period during the off cycle of your CR.... and since it just to advance the knowledge of members here so that we don't / can't repeat what you're experiencing... is it very likely that we'll go thru' what you're now facing or just extremely remote... obviously with a Ca so high, there is a likelihood of an ionic imbalance going on, which you would have already acted to correct... I mean if it is something you can't repeat yourself, then there is no point going thru' this exercise. What is the condition now... after your remedy?

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for madmac....

i did not add anything at all... not even one drop of additive

ph is around 8.0 .. tested in the afternoon

i have only 3 fishes in my tank and is feeding very little..

i took out the entire CR out of the water....

photo period is the same.... 10 hours a day

thanks madmac...... i am doing water changes 20%daily.... what i am afraid of s when i turn on the CR again.. this problem arises???

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I think you just provided the answer to your question, you suspect its the CR... there is a great possibility that the high Kh and Ca came about before you disconnected the CR.. just that you didn't test and when you tested after your disconnection of the CR... you found the parameters shockingly high... if frags are the only LS that consume your Ca/kh and if the consumption is little, then the Ca and dKH will remain high even after its disconnected from the CR...

After you've stabilized your Ca and dhk and are happy with the results (say for a week).... consider dosing to maintain the levels... don't connect up your CR yet... test the daily consumption of your LS... by taking a measure for Ca and dkh on Day 1 (Do not dose in the meantime) and another test on Day 3. Divide the difference by 3 to determine the daily consumption... use the data to decide if you really need to turn on the CR... personally i think if your consumption is low, like a daily loss of 1 dkh and < 10 mgl of Ca... I wouldn't bother with the CR... yet

Don't worry too much about your Mg... it was obviously skewed off the charts because of the levels you got in the first place.... coral skeletal take-up rate of ca and carbonate/bicarbonate?? is a function of Mg.. so long as there are no additives, (the new water change would provided enough ) your should be fine... BTW do you use Mg addons like Grotec Mg Pro in your CR?

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