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Starting Fowlr Tank

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I think you can let us know what are the 'dream fishes' you intend to keep.....then we can give proper advice or opinions.....

can't have 2FT if you intend to keep large angels(can keep like LUOHAN lor)......... :D

.....I used to have one....also gave up as keeping water stability for the fishes is a little tedious.....plus fish bio-load easily very high if wrong fish in a 2FT tank.....

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  Fishy Clown said:
Yo people...... Thinking of starting a FOWLR tank cause i think i save up money already.... Anyone can recommend a tank size for a newbie? I am thinking of getting a 2ft one. Will it be a bit small???

Suggest you to go for a bigger tank maybe 4feet... As IMO 2feet is not suitable for newbie(I am one of them).............. One problem is as what baby cay say since it is a FOWLR, you main intention is to keep fishes but with such a small tank you have limited choice to what fish you can keep.

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  • SRC Member

gobies are good fish to start imo.

2 feet tank angels and tangs definite out..

can keep


dottybacks, clownfishes, damsels, wrasses, shrimps, others will grow big

for clownfishes found that they eat alot and shit alot.. also.. increase nitrates..

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  metals99 said:
gobies are good fish to start imo.

2 feet tank angels and tangs definite out..

can keep


dottybacks, clownfishes, damsels, wrasses, shrimps, others will grow big

for clownfishes found that they eat alot and shit alot.. also.. increase nitrates..

once your tank is stable ............ dwarf angels are fine, can try lemon blenny as well.......... dun get wrasse....they mess up your substrates.....go after smaller dcoile fishes like dartfisha hit and miss.....doesn't happen for all wrasses) :)

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  • SRC Member

hey 3 ft tank with a few firefishes n plenty of live rocks make an excellent display. Go for it.

Main Tank : 48 inch by 36 inch by 28 inch (2 sides starphire glass)
Sump Tank :
Return Pump :
Chiller : Starmax Compressor 1 HP Drop coil
Chiller Return Pump
Protein Skimmer :
Wave Maker :
Fluidised Reactor :

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  Dazza said:
hey 3 ft tank with a few firefishes n plenty of live rocks make an excellent display. Go for it.

Yah my 3 feet currently have 3 fire gobie, 3 dispar anthias, 1 fairy anthias and 1 lyretail anthias plus one seabae clown and one bi- colour angel............ Very nice if small tank goes with small fishes

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Eh? How you manage to add more than 1 firegoby? Whenever I try to add one more firegoby it sure get bullied to death by the resident firegoby. But somehow it gets along fine with a purple goby... ;)

Wah..3 feet tank 12mm glass. Looks like my tank very dangerous..4 feet using 6mm glass. -.- :erm:

Always something more important than fish.


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I know..it used to be a planted tank with a higher water level and about 4X as much sand.

Now my water depth I limit to max 16 inches only. Sand I only put 15kg. Then as for the liverock...I use some very lightweight dead rock for stacking. The liverock I put on top are the small light pieces. Not the big bulky and heavy ones. My deadrock becoming alive already. Can hardly see any difference compared to live rock. :yeah: Oh well...think I should reduce my water level by another one inch..hehe.. :blink::rolleyes::D

Always something more important than fish.


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