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brought a purple tang


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  • SRC Member

Sorry to cut into yur thread bud. :P

Am thinkin of getting a PT, but already hav an existing YT in my tank abt 3inches in length... :(

Do u think the two will hav a 'show down'?

My Tank

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  • SRC Member
Sorry to cut into yur thread bud. :P

Am thinkin of getting a PT, but already hav an existing YT in my tank abt 3inches in length... :(

Do u think the two will hav a 'show down'?

How big is ur tank? You have 50-50 chance. I added PT first and then after few months YT. NO fighting. Both PT and YT same size.

Try to buy PT bigger than YT. Or you can try the mirror method to distract your YT.

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  • SRC Member

HAHAHA! :lol::lol:


That YT is my fav.

Greedy as a pig, eat everything and tame somemore can touch one.. haha

DOnt ever wanna give it up... unless it leaves me.. i'll be heart broken... :peace:

"My girl friend is gonna kill me if she sees this..." <_<

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  • SRC Member

:( Can never understand.....these expensive fishes are all good looking........tanks are all over fully matured....but still die on you.

Bought Imperial Angel (SGD$35) two weeks back..die less one week. Bought Halfmoon Angel (SGD$30 after bargain) & Koran Angel (SGD$15) on Friday.....all die......wonder...... :cry:

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  • SRC Member
:( Can never understand.....these expensive fishes are all good looking........tanks are all over fully matured....but still die on you.

Bought Imperial Angel (SGD$35) two weeks back..die less one week. Bought Halfmoon Angel (SGD$30 after bargain) & Koran Angel (SGD$15) on Friday.....all die......wonder...... :cry:

Can u explain why do u think ur tank is matured?

What livestocks do u have now and how long have they been with you?

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  • SRC Member
:( Can never understand.....these expensive fishes are all good looking........tanks are all over fully matured....but still die on you.

Bought Imperial Angel (SGD$35) two weeks back..die less one week. Bought Halfmoon Angel (SGD$30 after bargain) & Koran Angel (SGD$15) on Friday.....all die......wonder...... :cry:

Have u tested the water parameters?

How abt the other lifestocks in the tank? Are they thriving?

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  • SRC Member

:paiseh: Everything OK leh.....but my 5'x2.5'x2.5' (thats in feet, right?) is about six month old.....experience about 2 years. Anyway I don use expensive stuff thats being mentioned in this forum.......Atman pump for return, Weipro Venturi Skimmer, recently aquired UV ster for 2500 litres capacity but only 5 or 8 watts.

The most expensive thing that I have (other than the tank) is my Pacific Cool chiller 1/2 HP at $1200......

Still learning lah....... :D

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  • SRC Member

U didn't mention how old is ur livestocks. :huh:

There are many reasons why the fishes died. Cyanide caught, improper acclimatization, fish not eating for prolonged period etc. Go to a reliable LFS and make sure that the fish is eating before u buy.

Perhaps u can consider a yellow tang and some species of dwarf angels for few months before trying large angels.

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  • SRC Member

Yeah , i agree with limbssg and drattg.

Check yur parameters...frankly speaking i dont think the UV is that important a piece of equiptment la. :nc:

And with 5 - 6 watts... i think not much of a diff leh... :huh:

SHould pump yur money into yur filters and skimmers instead.

If u havent had any water testing kits, i strongly suggest that u get AT LEAST an ammonia tester, a PH tester and an NO3 tester. These few are by far to me the most basic lah. :P

AND ALSO SG (specific gravity... saltiness... hee)

How about the rest of yur livestocks?

If its only the angels, then it might be the LFS that u get them from.

My 2cents.

My Tank

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  • SRC Member
:( Can never understand.....these expensive fishes are all good looking........tanks are all over fully matured....but still die on you.

Bought Imperial Angel (SGD$35) two weeks back..die less one week. Bought Halfmoon Angel (SGD$30 after bargain) & Koran Angel (SGD$15) on Friday.....all die......wonder...... :cry:

Back to crazily expensive fishes...

What i dont understand is... WHY A BLACK TANG!!?

So expensive!!! :o

Rather get a sohal or monk, at least got pattern. :lol:

My Tank

Save A Horse, Ride A Cowboy

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  • SRC Member
:paiseh: Everything OK leh.....but my 5'x2.5'x2.5' (thats in feet, right?) is about six month old.....experience about 2 years. Anyway I don use expensive stuff thats being mentioned in this forum.......Atman pump for return, Weipro Venturi Skimmer, recently aquired UV ster for 2500 litres capacity but only 5 or 8 watts.

The most expensive thing that I have (other than the tank) is my Pacific Cool chiller 1/2 HP at $1200......

Still learning lah....... :D

It's not your equipment that makes a tank thrive. It's the entire set up itself.

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  • SRC Member

It's not your equipment that makes a tank thrive. It's the entire set up itself.

Maybe because lack of circulation. Just install a 2800l/hr pump in the tank & did a bit of piping work to it so that it will blows water to the entire tank rather than relying on the ones that comes from the return pump.

I already let it run over night & did not feed the whole day yesterday. Maybe I'll feed a bit later when I'm home.

My coral still standing strong, except for minor injury. One thing I don't understand is that my LS is dying one by one.

Anyway on top of the Weipro Venturi Skimmer for 150gal tank I also fixed to the return hose from the chiller the small skimmer I used for my 3ft tank previously.

We'll see for this few day the outcome because if it still don't work .........I definitely don't know what to do next.

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  • SRC Member

2800 is not enough. I am using 2 tunze for my tank. Only 22 watt power comsumption in total.

If you are only using your return pump for the circulation of your whole tank, there will be a lot of detrius. => High ammonia and nitrate.

The biggest Weipro 2014 is not enough for 5 ft tank. => there will be a lot of dissolved particle in your tank => High ammonia, nitrate and phoshate.

Dont buy anymore fishes. You can use the money you lost to buy a Seio 820. For even better circulation get a tunze.

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