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Need help on pipings dimensions


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Hi, as I am going to change to a 3 ft tank, I would like to have some advices on the dimensions of the pipings in the overflow and return from sump. Then I can also advise tank makers to drill the holes to the size.

What are the pipings required (including the dimensions) for a 3 ft tank:

- the size of outflow

- the size of return flow from pump/sump

- the durso pipes to reduce noise

- valves to stop back flow if pump fails etc.

I have a 2 ft sump, if this information is needed. Currently my setup is wrong as my outflow goes not directly to the sump but via a few elbows and my return pump is directl;y back to the main tank, hence I have restrict the retunr flow to prevent the sump from getting dry as the outflow is not fast enough for the return pump, hence inefficency??

Please give comments.

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  • SRC Member

what is your pump rate??

A single 40mm pipe will fit into a 50mm hole size will be able to handle approx 6000l/hr.

Better to have 2 overflow just in case one stopped working.

Forget about durso if your flow rate is very high. The noise in the overflow box will be reduced but the noise in the sump will be loud. Also the air in take noise of the durso can be quite loud. Use 1 pipe about 3/4 the height of the overflow as return and another pipe height upto the the overflow height as backup. Then use a ball valve or better gate valve on the return pipe just after the bulkhead in the sum area to control the return so that the whole overflow box is flooded just like the durso and you will have the most quite overflow.

Return can use also 40mm pipe if you have the space.

Do not use check valves as they have restriction to flow. Let the water flow back to the sump until siphon break. So, design a bigger sump to cater for back flow.

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Picture really speaks a thousand words. One more question, how small can the return pipe be rather than another 40mm....will be difficult to fix to the return pump from a 40 mm right? I am using a Dymax 2500L as return pump.

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  • SRC Member

use same outlet size as what comes with the pump. Use a vernier to measure. If 19mm use 19mm pipe or 25mm pipe all the way. Can only use same or 1 upsize at most and not smaller or too big. using smaller/bigger pipe size will make you loose pressure head.

I am using 40mm as an example as my pumps comes with 40mm unions. Both inlet and outlet.

Remember to connect a short length of PVC or better silicone tube between the pump and pipe at the inlet and outlet (please use good quality SS hose clips if posible 2 at each end) to absorb any nuisance vibration generated noise.

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  • SRC Member

closed loop means the inlet and outlet of the pump is connected to the tank. Making the flow a loop. Usually reefers will 'suck' from the bottom of the tank through a bulkhead and then return the water through the top of tank via a nozzle or just plain pipe end. It can be done the reverse way also. input from the top of tank and return at the bottom to blow the detritus in suspension.

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