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Rehoming Fish AT, butterflies and parrotfish

Ian Fun

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Have the following to rehome

1. Arabian Butterfly x 1 3.5-4 inch RFS: Have 2, aggression getting worse - $200

2. Saddleback butterfly 5+ inch x 1 RFS: Reducing bioload, large fish - $20

3. Quoyi parrotfish 5-6 inch x 1  RFS: aggression - $75

4. Achilles Tang 5-6inch L x 1 RFS: beating up my butterflies - $550

All eating aggressively on everything. Except the Arabian, eats very aggressively on shellfish on the shell. Pm for pics/vids and info. Pick up from YCK 809688 and bring your own bucket. Will not hold for you for more than 2 days. Priority and discount go to those who can pick up asap once i ramp back to full salinity this weekend.

For fast reply pm on telegram @iFunnnny




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