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Deepblue's 3ft Tank ( 3 x 2 x 2)


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a better look at the monster table :evil:

next to conquer is planetg's footlong table acro.....think can really go full sps after that :evil:

After looking at the big table and pink monti cap.....it makes me think otherwise on keeping small colonies, big ones look so natural.........cool... B)

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nice tank.. bro DB.. can roughly tell mi which coral can place together?? tt make it wont stung each other can?? thanx..


here's what you can put together :evil:


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After looking at the big table and pink monti cap.....it makes me think otherwise on keeping small colonies, big ones look so natural.........cool... B)

yup...I still cant believe I could actually own one...thanks a million.. SAW :lol:


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Basically a tech dodo....dun even know how to create links..... :paiseh:

I think no choice but to dig out my html bible to take a look... :lol:

cant wait to see your new scape

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Basically a tech dodo....dun even know how to create links..... :paiseh:

I think no choice but to dig out my html bible to take a look... :lol:

cant wait to see your new scape

My new scape would definitely look more impressive with "er-hem" some stuff seen in this thread.. :heh:

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Seriously...this is just a brown monti that went thru colour morph because of two zeo additives that was added to the reef..one of them is the zeospur2.... ( can you see the original coloration in the pic...beside the chevy)

it may just turn back to brown in my reef again....you guys should know that every tank is diff and coloration of the acros totally depends on the environment it is in ;)

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The power of zeospur2 :P

But it still requires your tank to be at low nutrients condition before you see any effects from the zeospur2 dosing.

How much did you dose? For my tank total volume 520litres I have to hit 4.4ml (ard 85% of recommended max dose of 1ml/100 litres.) before I see effects kicking in, like my brown out pastel purple acro turning back to purple etc.

Congrats bro :P

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It didnt turn pink in my tank leh.....so there's a high chance it'll turn brown again in my tank. :lol::lol::lol: I better blast it with another MH :evil:

2X250W in a 3footer :lol: (still no power as compared to Scarab's 3X 250W :lol: )

The previous owner dosed a cap a week and he compliment with somthing else. I can never remember the spelling of the other zeo additive ;)

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The previous owner dosed a cap a week and he compliment with somthing else. I can never remember the spelling of the other zeo additive ;)

The other addictive must be zeospur ME (Macro elements).

I am still trying to find tune the concentration of the zeospur2 for my case, still dare not go full dose as I heard too many horrible stories of STN events after overdose.

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dun no...the label shows: kaliumjodid fluor

for those who are getting the zeospur 2...please please read up on the additive and weigh the pros and cons. It affects the zooxanthellae in the coral tissue. It can affect the colours of the SPS. But over-dosing will cause coral tissues to get thinner and thinner until finally dissolve :evil: .underdose....doesnt work...so its tricky.

Always rememeber...if you are ever going to dose anything...please read up and follow the instructions with care. Garang methods are only for those who have a lot of money to throw...or just simply...irresponsible ;)

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