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STN on sps base... wat to do?

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Hi all,

finally got a bit of success in sps, the main body of my sps full of polyp extension, but the base seems to be STN, coz turned white... is the sps doomed for death or will the STN stop there? or do I need to use epozy/superglue to seal the stn portion in?

Vincent Ho :thanks:

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you have brought down the NO3 level...maybe you can post a pic of the placement of the coral and a general intank waterflow info...that may help a bit...

for the base, if tissues are off...then you got to montior and take actions like fragging or superglue base...if it is bleaching due to insufficient light...then another better position or fragging might save the colony. Without pics, really tough to say.

Basically, need to monitor closely ;)

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you have brought down the NO3 level...maybe you can post a pic of the placement of the coral and a general intank waterflow info...that may help a bit...

for the base, if tissues are off...then you got to montior and take actions like fragging or superglue base...if it is bleaching due to insufficient light...then another better position or fragging might save the colony. Without pics, really tough to say.

Basically, need to monitor closely ;)

okie, will try to post a pic tonight... :)

As for the water parameters, here they are :

Amm : 0

No2 : 0

No3 : 2ppm

Po4 : Not detectable

Mg : 1270ppm

Ca : 370ppm

dkh : 11.7

ph : 8.0

Sg : 1.025

Anything I missed?

Tank slowly recovering from the aftermath of AZ-No3, a new piece of blasto introduced showed good stability and opening up pretty well, other corals like my green bubble also recovering... :)

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  • SRC Member

Good for you bro that yr tank is recovering... pix pix pix!!!

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Maybe can soak the Sps into lugols solution then apply the superglue

guess it should work better in this way

And try bringing the affected sps to a place whereby more flowrate

are generating~~~

Too late.... came back today, the whole frag RTN liao.... so removed it... Another frag of poci still doing pretty well.... :)

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  • SRC Member

if RTN, put at a low to moderate flow rate. if STN, high flow rate. if bleach, juz turn 180 degrees and observe if the ok part gets bleach. most probably insufficient lights or sometimes flow so keep the flow between moderate to high.

why? not sure but works for me... except that it took lots of dead acros to work it out. oh well, something learnt is better than nothing.

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  • SRC Member
do remember one factor! sometimes they just decide to go. no reasons no questions!

why? not sure but it happens to me.

get on with life and not brood over it if u've tried your best to give it the best environment ;)

someone on reefland said it is nature. yeah i guess we are all struggling to find the root cause and therefore how to stop it.

seriously speaking, RTN is quite fast and if you dun frag within the first few hours... sure lose everything one. once again, from experience.

stabl env is what we try to provide but if sps go RTN or STN, something at the back of our head will be asking... is the env really stable or did we miss out something that is causing this? that is the headache and heartache.

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  • 1 month later...

Hi all, have since made great progress with SPS... finally starting to see polyps extensions on my SPS, the Monti also surviving... :)

Gues the water condition is much better now... :)

Another question is, if the nutrient levels are high, how long does it take for the SPS to turn brown??

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Hi all, have since made great progress with SPS... finally starting to see polyps extensions on my SPS, the Monti also surviving... :)

Gues the water condition is much better now... :)

Another question is, if the nutrient levels are high, how long does it take for the SPS to turn brown??

IMO, very fast, esp true for those pasteurized colored sps.

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