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Is my skimmer working


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i use weipro 2012...works fine for me.

guess this is another heng sway thing la....some get ones that work well some don't

i use my 2012 with weipro 4000 pump rated at 3000L/hr....skim in 1 dae more than wat my maxiskim 400 skim in a week

Hi man,

I agree with what you are saying.

Weipro did not really QC the Venturi well.

Which ended up some did not perform well. heng sway :lol:

Weipro is looking at Quantity which overlook the Quality issue :huh:

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  • SRC Member

u can use a pump with flow rate about 2500 l/hr to get good skimming for the 2012. To get the thick skimmate, just add a air control valve (about 50 cents from fish shop - for air pump) to the transparent plastic tube sticking out that sucks air to the venturi. U can limit the air and also control the water flow abit to thicken the skimmate. I prefer skimmate that is not too thick so easier to clean, just rinse instead of digging shit out of the cup!

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  • SRC Member

jus like to share a pic on my 2011... the pump is rated a max of 1000 h/l, external. It has a yellow knob to control the outflow (inside looks like a boat rudder)... the knob also allows air to flow thru (venturi style) and the air hole can closed if not desired... I connect using a eheim tube and I can see the air bubbles as they travel, the tube is transparent...

What I like to point out is that, if the pump is turned on the max flow, very little air gets in green tube, whereas if the flow is slower, lots of air sucked in... so jus be careful in selecting a pump for the venturi skimmer, unless you have to ability to pump air into the tube, your strong pump may actually block the air entering as the flow is so powerful and fast. I find that it is entirely not necessary and a real waste if you choose a pump too strong for your skimmer as to make it effective, you'll have to adjust the flow slower (speaking only for Weipros skimmer here). I get dark skimmate, and if you look carefully, you'll see that the skimmer output is almost closed, i.e. the flow rate thru' the whole skimmer is quite slow.


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  • 4 months later...
  • SRC Member

im going crazy with my 2011. Has been adjusting it for over a week and yet it cant seem to skim properly. I have placed the bubble level at the neck but there were no reaction(no kopi).

the only time when there was a little kopi was when i insert a air valve to the air outlet, i adjusted until i almost closed the whole outlet. However the kopi just gather at the bottom of the cup funnel without moving up. Im currently using an atman 1200l/h. if it doesnt start skimming soon im worried for my tank :( help!

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