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Pet peeves of reefers


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Well guys, just to share your pet peeves of certain reefers.

For me:

1)Those reefers who think a captive reef is like a luohan tank

2)Those reefers who love to use common names and know nothing about scientific names

3)To add on to 2), those reefers who think of their own names for certain corals

4)Those reefers who want to set up a "community tank" in saltwater

5)Those reefers who love to follow set methods to set up a tank

6)Those reefers who show no exact interest in the hobby

7)Those reefers who are compulsive

8)Those reefers who want to stay in this hobby for about 2 years only

9)Those reefers who buy lifestock not knowing what are its requirements

10)Those reefers who put complete trust in a LFS

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1)Those reefers who think a captive reef is like a luohan tank

urh. what turns them on may not necessarily turn you on.

)Those reefers who love to use common names and know nothing about scientific names

some people may have a problem remembering scientific names, as they aren't written in english exactly. many have latin deriavations. how to pronounce? worse, how to remember spelling?! I'm guilty of this.

3)To add on to 2), those reefers who think of their own names for certain corals

does it affect you? not like you are buying anything from him/her. unless you are lah. then its a PITA situation. (=

5)Those reefers who love to follow set methods to set up a tank

what is wrong with following a tried, proven and trusted method? if it wasn't a TPT method, it wouldn't be followed or modelled after! unless you are the sort that loves taking risk ventures and trying out new things. but many people who start this hobby are doing it for the first time, and the percentage of people wanting to be unconventional/radical is rather low.

6)Those reefers who show no exact interest in the hobby

this is really dependant on what your standards of exact interest are. if interest to you is coral cultivation, saving the sea life and etc, then a lot of people *like me* are failing in it. and besides, lost of interest can be due to a lot of things that may not be controllable, like retrenchment etc.

7)Those reefers who are compulsive

alamak. I also compulsive. :P but I guess its human nature to want to get something that looks attractive to the eye. only takes the strong willed people to say no. :P

8)Those reefers who want to stay in this hobby for about 2 years only

I think I fall into this. I may have to give up everything after I come back from Aussie Land. like I said, it never crossed my mind that I'd be going to Australia when I started this hobby. so if I come back and see a completely dead tank with floating fishes, then I'll give it up as I'd be damn sure it'll screw up even more, since I'll be in Aussie Land for up to six years.

10)Those reefers who put complete trust in a LFS

if it is a LFS like Marine Life/Coralfarm/EAquarist/blue signboard shop/etc. *can only think of these as I've asked them for advice before!* then there is nothing wrong. others...urh. take it with a pinch of salt.

bottom line is, no point getting so worked up. takes all sorts to make the world. not attacking you, but giving you my perspective. (=

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what do u mean by setting up a "community tank"?? Community = balanced ecosystem? what wrong with that? when u refer to a community tank I am under the impression that you're refering to a tank with all the clean up crews(crabs shrimps starfishes gobies etc) various types of compatible fishes and well developed bacteria colonies. isn't what all tanks are supposed to be? a community tank?

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terryansimon: no offence, these are just some stuff that piss me off. I am not saying that these are wrong

ryz: community meaning like stuffing all sorts of fishes together especially in a small tank

maybe I was just feeling down yesterday:(

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