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The Ressurection

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  • SRC Member
wah... u epoxy them to the glass.. nice... and i simply love the width and scaping of ur tank... :rolleyes:

not epoxied on the glass lah, scarab saw the structure.. hehee.... thanks to Robe for sponsoring liverocks.... :)

scarab, guess i was just lucky to find that piece....

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  • SRC Member

Great looking tank bro! And it even looks better in person. Thanks for your warm hospitality. :)

And the efflo, was undecided about cheonging the next day after we spoke. As you have seen, my tank is full. But after seeing the pic of yours over and over again, and sleeping on it, I awoke the next morning with renewed conviction! :D

After service, I dropped my 'Chairman' (who gave the nod of approval :yeah: ) off at Orchard and ended up picking a piece for myself and 2 additional pieces for bros that have been looking for a piece for a long time. Bumped into hamman there minutes after the doors opened and he picked up the last piece.

You were right, the ones left were all pretty large, around 6 inches in diameter. I chopped the piece I got in two and to my amazement, I somehow managed to fit both halfs in!! :lol:

It's a little different from the efflos that came in several weeks ago. This one's darker in the middle and more purple around the edges. Time will tell if they end up the same but even the growth tips and corallites are slightly different.

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  • SRC Member

it was a lucky find, somehow find it unusual how reefers left it unnoticed....

u will really have to make space for it in ur sps-full tank :blink::blink:

as ur "Chairman" has mentioned, my tank has alot of space, so let me help u :evil::evil::evil:

anyway, which do u reckon is a better specimen (if different), AA or Reborn? Not trying to stir up arguements but just a comparison for us to know and learn about the growth tips and corallites.

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  • SRC Member
anyway, which do u reckon is a better specimen (if different), AA or Reborn? Not trying to stir up arguements but just a comparison for us to know and learn about the growth tips and corallites.

Put your piece in my tank for 6 months for me to compare with the piece from AA and I'll tell you which one is better. :lol::lol:

After 6 months it will be too difficult to return to you coz it will have encrusted. :evil:

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  • SRC Member

Put your piece in my tank for 6 months for me to compare with the piece from AA and I'll tell you which one is better. :lol::lol:

After 6 months it will be too difficult to return to you coz it will have encrusted. :evil:

hehehe... nice try bro.....

too bad not enough space in ur tank... my tank has enough for another efflo from ur tank... :evil::evil::evil:

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  • SRC Member

just got back from a weekend of diving.....will be setting it up tom nite ;);)


during my dive trip, i was about 10m deep and saw a few blue encrusted montis... took a reall close look at it and to my awe, its the so-called superman montis; blue based with red polyps!!!!! :blink::blink::blink:

really nice, should have digicam next time to take macro shots.... my divegroups were puzzled though what the hell im staring at so close.....

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  • SRC Member

temptation is strong but better leave what's underwater as is..... its in malaysian waters, and it would be great just to visit the site from time to time..... near the shoreline, colonies of pink table milleporas, humilis and stags abound.... guess just leave them at piece and just buy from lfs.....


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