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White Anemone

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is the anemone dying or bleaching??

or is the species the white type one i saw b4.. i mean the white one is usually artificially dyed not too sure..

but anemones they will settle down by themselves stick anywhere they want to and find their own spot u can't force em' except enclosing them which is cruel..

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hmm i am also a newbie but i think some anemones doesnet run around the tank n just sit there where my other green bubble tip have the tendency to move around=.=". i have a white anemone with purple tip( urs 2??) that just sit there n my clown play inside 2. i read that anemone have a very very slow metabolism so if symtoms of death is shown, it maybe too late just to do anything liao. but i think if your anymone :) still look healthy n firm ...........if i were u i will keep it n c if it dies..or nv open. faster throw away if u comfirm its dying or lan lan liao cos any mone die in tank is a headache. :sick: good luck for now ^^

believe less then 50% of wat ppl tell u n bring it up tp 99% by confirming it urself

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I am still wondering why newbies are still buying anemones when this topic has been discussed before. <_<

A pity anemones that can outlive humans in nature are subject to the torment of only a few pathetic months, weeks or even days in captivity.

Anemones should just be banned. :angry:

Always something more important than fish.


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