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Zeovit Review

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  • SRC Member
u know wat, this zeovit thing to me hor, is the same thing as reducing nitrates and phosphates and DOCs and nutrients to allow ur sps to color up.

nothing new, just another way to accomplish the same thing. so be it DSBs, fuge, sump, etc... its just many of the ways to accomplish low nutrient environment for our SPS.

i however feel its quite aggressive though judgin from u guys posted, just like the irritating carbon thingy. so i guess must dose little bit at a time but regularly right...which is a PITA if u ask me. think most of the other current methods are less PITA methods! :)

That is exactly what the zeovit is about; reducing nutrients but in a different way as the conventional methods. You will never achieve the kind of water quality attainable by zeovit with dsb, nor with anyother methods. Its doesnt colour up the sps, it lets them regain their former and natural colour.

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  • SRC Member
this zeovit system seems to have a preety good review. Espicially on the water clarity part. Since this system works by extracting nutrients out of the water, what do guys think if i apply this to a mix reef? Meaning a system with LPS, zoo, rics..etc...and of cos SPS. Cos i believe most of us here keep a mixture of everyting.

Wouldn't this zeovit system starve those that need to absorb nutrient from the water?

The germans has tried using the zeovit on purely softies tank and the result was that the softies grew even more.Aposymbiotic corals like cauliflower not only survived in a tank ran by zeovit alone, they thrive. I think that they are fed by the "duff" and the dosing of zeofood7.

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  • SRC Member

Humm.. i did read at somewhere that mushrooms shrink in the zeovit system.. Maybe overdose in that case.. Will need to find out more. Any links?? :erm:

i think SPS and sofies require different water condition. Softies will need to absorb nutrients rather than producing food themselves. Thus the question if sofies can thrive in the system.

Anymore expert care to comment?

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my update on zeovit system:

T+4 day 2200 26 Sep 04

a. phosphate > din test... too busy. will do it tonite.

b. nitrate > din test... too busy. will do tonite.

c. skimmer still giving out more sludge as compared to before zeovit!

d. water... looks clearer but still not significant enough for me to declare it clearer.

e. dunno coincidence but one of my purple acro from "1 B road" is now showing purple tips. was brown since day 2 in tank, more than 3 weeks liao. will monitor the rest.

>>> now the whole acro showing purple. most of my brown acros have become lighter in colour and starting to see colour change.

downside: one of my big mother colony that was showing STN over the past 2 weeks seems to have accelerated in its STN. not sure if it is becos im monitoring each piece daily so i notice changes. but something to monitor and report in a few days time. hopefully dun die cos it cost $70 from one of our bro here.

>>> STN stop the past few days but another stable colony STN 1/4 liao. dunno if becos of my placement (itchy finger... i moved it juz before i started zeovit) cos the STN is 1/4 of the area and not base up from the entire colony. i turned the acro 180 degrees and will monitor it closely. luckily this is green so not so previous ;-)

i put 2 new acros into tank on sat. will monitor if they can survive.

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Can anyone work out a basic maintenance fee for the zeovit system?

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Erm..its already in my sump :P But i can describe to you. Its made using a CDR tub that can hold 100CDs. The the bottom plate of the cd tub is cut to fit into the transparent tube. Then i drilled lotsa holes into the plate. This way, it serves as the siever and the turning handle.

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Erm..its already in my sump :P But i can describe to you. Its made using a CDR tub that can hold 100CDs. The the bottom plate of the cd tub is cut to fit into the transparent tube. Then i drilled lotsa holes into the plate. This way, it serves as the siever and the turning handle.

wah liew...... my imagination very poor one leh. :pinch: a picture will paint a thousand words. i still dun get how u r able to shake the media inside. :P

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LOL, can you regconised the parts that i use for the reactor? If you do, you will notice the long black stick that goes through the center to CDs. I use that as the turning handle and pull it up and down when i want to shake the zeoliths inside.

oic. but i still hv a few qns if u dun mind.

1. where is the pump inlet?

2. is the reactor waterproof?

3. if it is waterproof, how did u waterproof the top part where the top cover and the handle area u suppose to pull/push?


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haha...a brighter look for our dear bro in Nippon Country

pump in water from the opening below... water flows upwards, pass the mediums and flow out from the top....

stick hand inside ..pull and pump it to shake the medium...right?


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The black tube at the bottom of the reactor is the pump inlet. From my understanding, the reactor doesnt have to be water proof. Its just a holder for the zeovit and to provide a adequate bottom to top flow.

The "reactor" is exactly as you see it. The water will flow out from the open top. But this is just a temporary solution.

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for his own use one lah.......

can either diy a PVC one ..or spend more for an acrylic one....

seriously... dun need state of the art technology... ...

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  • SRC Member
for his own use one lah.......

can either diy a PVC one ..or spend more for an acrylic one....

seriously... dun need state of the art technology... ...

Yup, this mock "reactor" is just a temporary solution until either i get the parts to DIY one or i breakdown and buy the commercial unit. If i were to sell this, i think all the muscle rub you buy for me also no use. :lol:

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haha...a brighter look for our dear bro in Nippon Country

pump in water from the opening below... water flows upwards, pass the mediums and flow out from the top....

stick hand inside ..pull and pump it to shake the medium...right?

thx DB for the clear pic. now i see liaoz...... :yeah:

me bad........me slow........ :pinch: thx for the explanation too sharkbait. ;)

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