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Purple firefish harem?


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  • SRC Member

Hi guys,

The purple firefish(oldest resident to date) in my tank seemed to be getting bullied by newcomers. The damage is not significant however, just that the pff seemed to have shifted to another side of the tank. There's occasional chasing too. I find it a little strange as the pff has been in the tank longer and now he is getting pushed around by a 1.5" bi-color blenny!! And sometimes a royal gramma of a similar size...Would adding a few more pff give them more strength in numbers??What would be a good number?Do they form a harem?Anybody has any experience keeping pff or ff in groups?Please share your xp, thanks

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Yup u can add a couple more...(depending on ya tank size n no. of rocks for hiding) at least that will divert the attention from the RG and BC Blenny...

I m quite surprised ya BCB will pose a prob as they r relatively frenly...n juz greedy!

U may wanna look out for fin tear of ya PFF....maybe it is juz scared of the new additions....

*Becareful of ya PFF...as when stressed...they may jump out of the tank!

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hi pple, i have gotten 3 additional pffs. Initially, they got together and was what i expected. After the 2nd day, they appear in different parts of the tank and not hovering in a group as I would suspect. All are healthy and eating though...let's hope it stays this way.

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Noticed a missing pff last nite....this morning found a carcass...wonder if it belonged to the missing one. Three of them were still eating fine last night. Pretty sure it is due to cyanide poisoning. Hope there's still 3 left.

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hates it when they uses cynide to catch fishes.. they simply dun last and the dosage will damage the coral reef.. damned!!! :angry:

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  • SRC Member

Have you ever wondered how they would catch the fish without using cyanide? Net caught sounds like one heck of a tough job to do especially with fishes that dart in and out of liverocks. I heard Discovery Channel recently showed an episode that included something on catching yellow tangs Seatek episode 7 i think. But i missed it. Anyone else has any info on it?thanks

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i saw that seatek episode- they caught lots of stuff- punctured its swim bladder then brought it to the surface. All hand collected in hawaii.

problem is- collector sells @US$75- wholesaler @US$120 & retailer @US$300. a little too high. they had boxfishes too(only found in hawaii). rubbed its back so it released its poison first before putting with the other fishes.

cool!- tried to rub mine & nearly got bitten.


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  • SRC Member
i saw that seatek episode- they caught lots of stuff- punctured its swim bladder then brought it to the surface. All hand collected in hawaii.

problem is- collector sells @US$75- wholesaler @US$120 & retailer @US$300. a little too high. they had boxfishes too(only found in hawaii). rubbed its back so it released its poison first before putting with the other fishes.

cool!- tried to rub mine & nearly got bitten.


puncture his swim bladder?? if so, how is the fish gonna start swimming again???

nearly getting bitten by your box fish?? hahaha.. btw, my mom done such a good job feeding my moray that when i was knocking on the glass, it pop its head out and look at me.. hehehe.. and when i was putting my fingers inside.. it attempt to bite me.. hmmm.. perhaps my little pinkie finger look like shrimp meat to him... hahaha..

Let us work together to preserve the world for our children to inherit by being responsible to our surroundings. Take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but footprints, bubbles and memories.

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Bawater...u damn funny.... :lol:

Loonz...any possibility of them running a repeat?

I missed it too....or rater I did not koe anything about it :P think its time for me to refer to my cable guide! Am always missing lots of good stuff......

I'm gonna break the cycle

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loonz- $2 only ?can claim ur points for it.

kel- really, cause the yellow tangs were from 50meters...so they had to release the pressure or else their swim bladder will bloat(just like the bloated market fish we eat).Before u get any ideas! wouldn't advise wiggling anythin else that resembles ur pinky in there! hee hee!

bluecarpet- try try mah! monkey see monkey do! saw so simple- but actually its beak very sharp.

i dunno when they will repeat- but they do often. although it looks kinda old production...somethin like early 90's

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Can claim ah?how ahr??i havent claimed a single thing since subscribing...i only got the 3 basic - ch 10-12,17-20,21-24,50,51,52 and 54.....is it worth redeeming the guide for it? that time SCV screwed up the pgrm guide as well. It was supposed to show some marine documentary but turned out focusing on some stupid lions. I called SCV and they said "oh the prgm team is not around could i get someone to call u back next day"....oh well what to do?It was about 9+pm...only the techie was left answering the phone.

Few days later called me up and said...oh, Discovery Channel has cancelled the program and dunno if they would reinstate it...sorry for the inconvenience..???? So much for the stupid program guide....So much for SCV...

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