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Dismantling Tank

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Hello, I had already posted this but need to amend post and couldn't see how to edit so simply reposting, apologies.
Moving so dismantling tank, have decided we want to simply re home everything in one go as easier.
Selling pair of Ice Black Snowflake clown fish, 1 sixline wrasse, 1 tomini tang, 3 chromis, 1 blue legged hermit crab, 1 kuekenthli shrimp, a few nassarius, trochus and mexican turbo snails.
A few corals but its only a few.
Selling all above for $200
Also selling all the live rock for fair price.
Tank (Fluval Roma 200) and cabinet will be sold once empty and cleaned.







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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi, the clownfish have now sold.


Selling everything else left, so the anemone, 1 sixline wrasse, 1 tomini tang, 3 chromis, 1 blue legged hermit crab, 1 kuekenthli shrimp, a few nassarius, trochus and mexican turbo snails for $80.


Once thats gone, then the rock and tanks.

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All livestock gone now, so just the seeded rock left for $200, it is Real reef rock we bought from fresh n marine.

One of the small pieces of the rock also has GSP on it that has grown and spread accross much of it.

Also a stray snail that was hiding lol.


Plus tank and cupboard for sale once emptied and cleaned.

Edited by Louise
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