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WTS Brand New / used equipments. Lights / Wavemakers and Accessories

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NOTE- All items will be tested on the spot before potential buyer to ensure items are working before collecting, this is to avoid any future dispute. Thanks.



~~Aquarium Lights Set / Light hanging system and accessories. 



● US Aquatic Life T5ho Hybrid fixture (T5/LED combo )  ( 4 ft model ) 


Retailed $580. Selling $280.




 ● DE Aquatic T5 Retrofit light set ( dual T5 tube ) for 4ft tank. 


Bought $250. Selling $80.




● ATI Power module LED / T5 Hybrid Light fixture 8x80watt T5 with 4x75 watt LED cluster 


Bought $3500. Selling $1200.




● ATI Power module LED / T5 Hybrid Light fixture 8x39watt T5 with 2x75 watt LED cluster 


Bought $2400. Selling $600.




● ATI Sunpower Light fixture 8x39watt T5


Bought $1600. Selling $400




●Ecotech RMS Rail for 5ft and 7ft 



(brand new) 5ft RMS Track XR7603-0605 ( for tank width 58.5-68.5 inch) - retail $189, selling $120



(brand new) 7ft RMS Track XR703-0805 ( for tank width 78.5-88.5 inch) - retail $259, selling $150



●RMS HANGING KIT - (retail $109) selling $60



●RMS XR15 Slide (G4) - $25



●RMS XR30 Slide (G4) - $25



●RMS XR30 Slide (G5) Brand new - $25



●Y HANGING KIT for SINGLE HYDRA/VEGA - (retail $58) selling $38



● LED Clip light 


Brand new. 


Bought $18


Selling $10



● LED Strip light (high power actinic blue) . Excellent for poping coral color.


Selling $180 each



● L shape aluminium/powder coated steel wall mount bracket for lightset hanging.


Bought $120 per pair


Selling $40 / set (one pair)




~~ Illumagic Vitamini ●Striplight (Solar Spectra)



Excellent high quality striplight which really helps pop your coral colour.



Model Vitamini 1500



Length 150cm




Condition 9/10


Retail $515


Selling $280 per strip.




●3ft VHO T5 LIGHT SET + 2 Brand New TUBES



Bought for $280. Selling $120 with 2 new tubes ( worth $90). Selling 50



●T5 tubes ( 3 ft ) ATI tubes (brand new) $10 each.





● GHL 8 Channel Dosing Pump



4 channel (master) + 4 channel (slave)


Bought $1200, selling $480




~~Skimmer , Pumps and Wavemakers



● Reef Octopus SSS-3000 (Internal)



Supports up to 300 gallon heavy stocking tank.


Bought $640 . Selling $280



● Abyzz A200 (Brand new) - made in Germany professional pump.



●Brand new Abyzz A200 / 3M


Retail $2,450


Selling $1800.




●Used Abyzz A200 /3M


Bought $2,450


Selling $1,200




~~Wave Makers / Ecotech Battery Backup



● Maxpect Gyre Wave Makers XF250 / XF280 pump / Controller 



● Maxpect Gyre XF250


Complete set with controller/ power supply and pump



Good condition.


Used >2 years


Bought $380


Selling $180


Code - Set D



● Maxpect Gyre XF250


Complete set - Pump (used) with Power Supply (New) complete with Advanced Controller (New)



Good condition.


Used >2 years


Bought $500


Selling $280


Code - Set C



Maxpect Gyre XF280


Used. Complete set - Pump and Power Supply (used) complete with Avanced Controller (New) .


Bought $500


Selling Brand new $280


Code - Set B



● Tunze wavemaker 6065 


Bought $179. Selling $80



● Tunze wavemaker 6105


Bought $439. Selling $180




● EHEIM 1260 UNIVERSAL PUMP 2400 LPH (used)



Eheim 1260 Universal Pump with ceramic shaft, ceramic and carbon bearing. Suitable for under water or outside, for both fresh or salt water aquarium.


Retail $240


Selling $180



● EHEIM 1264 UNIVERSAL PUMP 4500 LPH (used)



German made. Eheim 1264 Universal Pump with ceramic shaft, ceramic and carbon bearing. Suitable for use in or out of fresh or salt water.



Excellent for reliability as return pump.


Rattail $397. Used less then a year.


Selling $180


Used >1 year



ECOTECH Battery Backup


Brand new init


Retail $380


Selling $180




~~Trace elements and Supplements



●Redsea ABCD Trace Color 500ml (new)



~~( Unused) TRACE COLORS A - IODINE+ (500ml) Retail $28. Selling $20.




● (Unused) Redsea Trace Colors A - Iodine+ ( 5 Liter ) Retail $158. Selling $90 only.



● (Unused) Redsea Trace Colors B - Potassium+ ( 5 Liter ) Retail $158. Selling $90 only




~Tropic Marine Trace Elements (Bio-Activf Minerals) Brand new.



●( Unused) Tropic Marine A- Elements . Bought $60. Selling $38.



●( Unused) Tropic Marine K+ Elements. Retail $60. Selling $38.



● (Unused) BRIGHTWELL CALCION Concentrated Calcium (500ml) . Bought $38 Selling $25



● (Unused) BRIGHTWELL KORAL COLOR INCREASE COLORATION (500ml) . Bought $50. Selling $38.





~~Instrument Checkers / Monitors and Controllers



●DD Salinity Refractometer


Used. Condition 10/10


Retail $79


Selling $30




●Milwaukee SMS122 pH Controller for Calcium Reactor



Brand New unit with new pH probe


Retail $168


Letting go $128




●Milwaukee CR pH Controller SMS122


Used set SMS122 , selling $68



●CO2 Solenoid Regulator (Ocean Free)


Used set selling $48.




~~ Coral propagation tools


Ceramic frag plugs (Black) regular size 100 pcs. Retail $68, selling $40



Ceramic frag plugs (Black) Med/large size 100 pcs. Retail $79, selling $50.




~~Other items



● RODI ACTIVATED CARBON filter cartridges (new)



Size standard 2.5x10 inches


Retail $12, selling $6 each 



● Kent Marine Biosediment (Brand new)- good for refugium sump tank.


Retail $50, selling $30



~~DD Aquascape Epoxy / Coral Glue



●DD Aquascape Epoxy $8/pcs (Retail 12.50)



●Glue Onz coral glue $6/pcs ( Retail $8).




~~JBJ (ATO) Auto Top-Off system 


Good working condition.


Bought $168, selling $80.



~~ Fish acrylic holding box 


a) (Brand new) size 22x15x16cm  $28



B) (Brand new) size 30x14x16cm $38




~~ DD Magscape Magnet Glass cleaner ( both L and XL size )


$25 and $30 each





~~ Pest control solution



BAYER ADVANCED COMPLETE INSECT KILLER - For AWFW and Black bugs / Red bugs removal. 1.18 Liter pack - $38




~~Electrical 3 pin plugs / sockets and extension cord.



● New/used multi-3pin sockets $5~$10 each



● New/used multi-3 pin plug extension cord $10~$25 each



Sent from my SM-A546E using Tapatalk



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