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If u taking train later


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  • SRC Member

Because one of the north bound train's tyre flat. So they are towing away that train and happened to be @ orchard which has no tow train access. Currently they are towing by using Topasonic Micro Train to pull the train.

Was told that the tyre was wormed out by salt water. According to reliable source, one of our refeer bough a big YT and take back train and when he alight at Orchard to buy roti plata, his YT moved lot so his packect droped to the rail and it's cause :P ( I think YT must be eating too :) )

Just joke of the day.

Life is like a peice of Uncured Live Rock [ from LFS ], you never know what you gonna get.........

Ocean Gump

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  • SRC Member

yes... it's at bishan... Somone jumped... ambulance and civil defence team stormed the stationa and sealed it for abt 45 mins... I was on my way home then, couldn't board the train so I went for lunch!! this is the 3rd time someone committed suicide at Bishan MRT!! wow! must be cursed or something... I should avoid taking mrt from bishan.. haha...

Live and Let Live

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  • SRC Member
yes... it's at bishan... Somone jumped... ambulance and civil defence team stormed the stationa and sealed it for abt 45 mins... I was on my way home then, couldn't board the train so I went for lunch!! this is the 3rd time someone committed suicide at Bishan MRT!! wow! must be cursed or something... I should avoid taking mrt from bishan.. haha...

maybe hor..... remember the ghost story that shock the entire country ?

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  • SRC Member

:shock: bishan is haunted??? since when??? might as well say every single school in spore is haunted at night. ;)


but quite scary that pple wld choose to commit suicide or rather 'drop' into the mrt track there.... somemore in the 7th lunar mth... hmm... but thot yest is the last day of the 7th mth? :blink:

last time heard some ghost story regardin bishan mrt before... cant recall liao... anyone care to share? :P

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yeah...i was studying there some 13-14 years ago...and also heard that bishan was formally a cemetary.....also got stories about headless clocktower figure roaming at night....lol...

but i seriously think the authorities should cut all the red tape and do something fast......people are starting to use MRT platform as suicide avenues already

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I know in KL, they have waist height barriers for the LRTs. but i guess if one wants to commit suicide, there's no stopping pple from doing a high jump leap over it.

say if the unfortunate pple who died at bishan met were really suicidal, it must be a v painful way to go.

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the area of Bishan was a cemetry and farm area before all this development.

Catholic High/RI area onwards, cemetary.

Junction 8, cemetary.

Kuo Chuan Pysbeterian, St 13...farm land

I think Ryan's place is also farm land...if I remember correctly.

I happened to take a peek at a map that was dated back to the 60s at the old HDB hub....don't ask me how I got access to such maps. I'm sure if you dig around National Archieves, sure can find one.

anyway, Boundary Road leading up to AMK Ave 1 is also super haunted. this is because the people who used to bury the dead at the Bishan cemetary area could only use that road. that was the only road available then. anybody who stays within that vicinity *ie. right next to the road* will know for a fact that there will surely be an accident along the stretch every month. chao chao one accident. people swear it has got something to do with ghouls. I say it's something to do with drunk fools.

ah enough ranting.

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  • SRC Member
MRT is definately going to be bombarded with criticisms for not taking any actions earlier. But in my opinion, MRT shouldnt be blamed....

if we start putting barriers for mrt, might as well put barriers along roads? isnt it the same???

those stupid people got nothing better to do... only calling for short term solutions but suicidals will juz move on to other avenues hahaha once mrt trend over, maybe jump from esplanade and get poked by one of the thorn?

accidents do happen and not limited to mrt so why the focus and extra expenditure? as if the current fares arent high enuf.

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  • SRC Member

yea.. heard that catholic high area used to be cemetary.. Me studying there... heard many eerie encounters from my frens also!!! wah... the mystery is why bishan?! I'm sure other mrt stations have similar history also right?

Live and Let Live

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