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What is sump?


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  • SRC Member

If you have space for a sump, it's always good. It increases the volume of water (more stability) and it a makes your setup more flexible. You will be able to make modifications, add hardware, make experiments a lot more easily without disturbing the main tank.

Is the 2ft tank a starter with the idea of upgrading to a large tank ion the future or is any larger tank impossible for you to have?

If your 2ft tank is long term, go for the sump by all means. Ideally sump should be the same size as the main tank (or a bit smaller) if you got space bellow. That will allow you to do many things.


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  • SRC Member

i have a question regarding the first compartment where the water comes in from the main tank.

is it necessary to put one or two layers of cotton wool for filtration ?

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i have a question regarding the first compartment where the water comes in from the main tank.

is it necessary to put one or two layers of cotton wool for filtration ?

no, it is not necessary, but u still can if u want to.

pro: reduce microbubbles

con: leading to high nitrates due to detritus build up, regular maintenance needed.

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can place the protein skimmer at the last compartment where the overflow pump is located. any advice?  :huh:

No. The microbubbles from the protein skimmer will enter your tank and you will have salt spray problems. :heh:

Always something more important than fish.


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my skimmer is in the last compartment, the same compartment as my return pump.

the only way of preventing microbubbles is to fold a piece of polyfilter into half, and put it where my skimmer output is.

no microbubble so far. and its been like that since last year when I started my tank.

then again, my water level is also slightly high, so the output is partially submerged. so that is also another reason. (=

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