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brazil gamma died

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hi reefers

Bot a brazilian gamma on Sat from a farm .

First day gone hiding until cannot see..but yesterday when I came home,

it was on the sandbed grasping for breath and die an hour later.

Noticed that the tail fin was damaged. what cud have caused its death?

My other inhabitants are 1 YT, 1 BT, 2 Clown, 1 Flame hawk , purple firefish, 1 cardinal. All these in tank for long time except for YT.

Anyone can advise if gamma not compatible with these fishes?


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No leh

Dont think got mantis shrimp in my tank so far.

But I have a rather aggressive boxer shrimp about 3 inch, and 1 or 2 crabs

which I cudnt catch for last few months. But they never disturb my other fishes.

Have the same invertibles as you but I notice that some of my LS mistook the boxer as a CS. Example my Golden Angel try to get itself clean by moving sideway to the boxer but was ignore by the boxer.

The crab in my tank is getting big, thus most of my bottom dwellers are missing within 1 week after it's being introduce to the tank. 1 thing I did notice is that if there is some unknown threatening these bottom dwellers they will always be swimming instead of sleeping when all lights is off.




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Could it be it is not acclimatised properly.

Please also note that grammas needs to hide, which is cave, hole in LR or unused Coco worms shell. If you dun have any of it, you gramma will not last long. Advice shared to me by my SF breeder friend.

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Great. Now, when I buy LS for LFS, I'll ask for their empty coco shell.

Thanks for the info. 1 question, does longnose hawfish hide in cave?

No sure. But read that they likes to hitch on Sea-Fans. ;)

"Reefs, like forests, will only be protected in long term if they are appreciated"
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  • SRC Member
hi reefers

Bot a brazilian gamma on Sat from a farm .

First day gone hiding until cannot see..but yesterday when I came home,

it was on the sandbed grasping for breath and die an hour later.

Noticed that the tail fin was damaged. what cud have caused its death?

My other inhabitants are 1 YT, 1 BT, 2 Clown, 1 Flame hawk , purple firefish, 1 cardinal. All these in tank for long time except for YT.

Anyone can advise if gamma not compatible with these fishes?


what clown are you keeping?

i personally have a tomato clown, and it is so aggressive, be it food or swimming space. my parents spotted it pecking on 2 angels and the next thing they knew, it died.

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I too bought a Golden Angel from a Farm on Saturday (11 Sept 04) today 14 Sept 04 it is dead. I wrote in a thread on fishes caught via cyanide which could be a possible cause. Fish is not eating at the Farm when tested, decided to take my chances and it did not worked out. Thus in future no more buying of fishes from that source despite the pricing.

Water parameters is not bad, indications from my YT, Pacific (other tangs hardier so not mentioning).

This is not the 1st, 2nd or 3rd time buying from that farm....enough is enough...

Possible Fish Death associated with Cyanide Caught Method

My Beautiful ANGEL - Matsushima Nanako

Equipment List for 4x2x2 Tank & 3x1.5x1.5 Sump

Hagen 802 x 2, Tunze 6060, Arcadia T5 (54W x 8), Eheim 1260 (return) Eheim 1250 (Chiller), Aquabee 300 x 2 (Feed)

H&S 150-F2001 (850l Skimmer), H&S A110-F2000 (400l Skimmer), H&S 110-F1000 (1000l Sulphur/Nitrate Filter), H&S 150-F2000IA (800l Calcium Reactor)

Coralife 3X (UV Steriliser), I-Aquatic IF 312 (Fluidised Reactor), Kent Kalk Delivery, Resun CL650, Pinpoint ORP & PH Meters & Wireless Thermometer

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Golden angels are known to be tough fish, even for net caught ones. The batch I saw at the farms don't look like a cyanide obtained batch. Their color was there, breathing was normal, and swimming was normal. Cyanide caught fishes usually have damaged swim bladders leading to swimming problems. I rate these angels as tough as moorish idols or possibly even harder to keep in captivity compared to moorish idols. Some fish will never acclimatize properly in captivity due to their treatment from the collection point to the retail shop. Some fish like moorish idols if not fed constantly at the collection point to the retail shop will be almost impossible to get them to feed again. And no one really knows the natural diet of golden angels. Their coloration might be due to specific foods which they eat in nature such as certain sponges, which we are unable to provide in captivity.

Always something more important than fish.


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Golden angels are known to be tough fish, even for net caught ones.

I fell in love with it, can you please tell me where to get a good one?

My Beautiful ANGEL - Matsushima Nanako

Equipment List for 4x2x2 Tank & 3x1.5x1.5 Sump

Hagen 802 x 2, Tunze 6060, Arcadia T5 (54W x 8), Eheim 1260 (return) Eheim 1250 (Chiller), Aquabee 300 x 2 (Feed)

H&S 150-F2001 (850l Skimmer), H&S A110-F2000 (400l Skimmer), H&S 110-F1000 (1000l Sulphur/Nitrate Filter), H&S 150-F2000IA (800l Calcium Reactor)

Coralife 3X (UV Steriliser), I-Aquatic IF 312 (Fluidised Reactor), Kent Kalk Delivery, Resun CL650, Pinpoint ORP & PH Meters & Wireless Thermometer

4x2x2 Tank Thread

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Golden angels are known to be tough fish, even for net caught ones. The batch I saw at the farms don't look like a cyanide obtained batch. Their color was there, breathing was normal, and swimming was normal. Cyanide caught fishes usually have damaged swim bladders leading to swimming problems. I rate these angels as tough as moorish idols or possibly even harder to keep in captivity compared to moorish idols. Some fish will never acclimatize properly in captivity due to their treatment from the collection point to the retail shop. Some fish like moorish idols if not fed constantly at the collection point to the retail shop will be almost impossible to get them to feed again. And no one really knows the natural diet of golden angels. Their coloration might be due to specific foods which they eat in nature such as certain sponges, which we are unable to provide in captivity.

At first glance it looked kinda healthy....but all fishes not eating, looked fat (dunno whether its bloated or fat) therefore gave it a try. As for heavy breathing - it kinda looked like they were....anyway never had any luck with fishes bought from there....longest surviving less than a month.....dunno whether is it "sway" or something else.

My Beautiful ANGEL - Matsushima Nanako

Equipment List for 4x2x2 Tank & 3x1.5x1.5 Sump

Hagen 802 x 2, Tunze 6060, Arcadia T5 (54W x 8), Eheim 1260 (return) Eheim 1250 (Chiller), Aquabee 300 x 2 (Feed)

H&S 150-F2001 (850l Skimmer), H&S A110-F2000 (400l Skimmer), H&S 110-F1000 (1000l Sulphur/Nitrate Filter), H&S 150-F2000IA (800l Calcium Reactor)

Coralife 3X (UV Steriliser), I-Aquatic IF 312 (Fluidised Reactor), Kent Kalk Delivery, Resun CL650, Pinpoint ORP & PH Meters & Wireless Thermometer

4x2x2 Tank Thread

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I fell in love with it, can you please tell me where to get a good one?

Reborn!.....saw a couple of big fat ones today......my went up the lorry also....but after quite some time....probably 2-3 month......reason of dying....suspect it was attacked by my other fish because its dosal fin was torn quite badly....... :(

One thing to note.....the moment this joker is put into the tank.....its goes hiding....so you hardly see it.........very very shy and cute fish...... :lol:

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The longest surviving golden angel in my tank is 3 weeks. Thought this fella will pull thru' but I was wrong. Did notice that it have red marks on it's body before it die, wonder whether is it done by that damn crap in my tank. One thing though, my CS don't seems to clean my angels. They are only interested in cleaning my tangs??? Any explaination?

Most Golden Angel are fat when you see them @ the LFS. In order to capture these fish they have to damage the LR structure as they are always hidden behind LRs.




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All these sums up one thing - good source, good quarantining, good treatment, good responsible traders/lfs to ensure they feed = good price which will make lfs make decent money and give consumers' money worth (don't die on you and subsequent replacement cost becomes expensive) and this will produce happy customers. Best thing - it'll protect the environment and have a more sustainable supply source.

My Beautiful ANGEL - Matsushima Nanako

Equipment List for 4x2x2 Tank & 3x1.5x1.5 Sump

Hagen 802 x 2, Tunze 6060, Arcadia T5 (54W x 8), Eheim 1260 (return) Eheim 1250 (Chiller), Aquabee 300 x 2 (Feed)

H&S 150-F2001 (850l Skimmer), H&S A110-F2000 (400l Skimmer), H&S 110-F1000 (1000l Sulphur/Nitrate Filter), H&S 150-F2000IA (800l Calcium Reactor)

Coralife 3X (UV Steriliser), I-Aquatic IF 312 (Fluidised Reactor), Kent Kalk Delivery, Resun CL650, Pinpoint ORP & PH Meters & Wireless Thermometer

4x2x2 Tank Thread

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I fell in love with it, can you please tell me where to get a good one?

I bought mine from Har**** but it is almost doubled the pricing of elsewhere.

The reliablity of the LFS is important but I dont think that is the only factor for Golden's survival. It is easily bullied by others and definitely have to be the first fish unless the other fishes are extremely extremely tamed. (Even my blue tang bullied it)

Golden is my first fish and it has been with me for over a year.

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a bit :off: but can i add a golden angel if i already have a flme angel in my tank?

and is golden reef safe? :thanks:

It'll irritate the corals by pecking, but will not be destructive as i understood.

My Beautiful ANGEL - Matsushima Nanako

Equipment List for 4x2x2 Tank & 3x1.5x1.5 Sump

Hagen 802 x 2, Tunze 6060, Arcadia T5 (54W x 8), Eheim 1260 (return) Eheim 1250 (Chiller), Aquabee 300 x 2 (Feed)

H&S 150-F2001 (850l Skimmer), H&S A110-F2000 (400l Skimmer), H&S 110-F1000 (1000l Sulphur/Nitrate Filter), H&S 150-F2000IA (800l Calcium Reactor)

Coralife 3X (UV Steriliser), I-Aquatic IF 312 (Fluidised Reactor), Kent Kalk Delivery, Resun CL650, Pinpoint ORP & PH Meters & Wireless Thermometer

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Definitely not reef safe. It will peck and eat everything including star fish.

The Golden Angel requires a minimum tank size of 50 gallons with plenty of hiding places and live rock for grazing. This angelfish is best kept as the only dwarf angel in a tank. It will adjust rapidly if it is introduced as one of the first fish in a well-established aquarium, or if it is introduced and maintained with very peaceful tankmates. Often maintained by hobbyists in the reef aquarium, caution should be used if there is an abundance of LPS and SPS coral in the tank. This species has been known to nip at these corals as well as Xenia corals. In most cases the fish will not damage these corals, but rather just irritate them.

extracts from liveaquaria

My Beautiful ANGEL - Matsushima Nanako

Equipment List for 4x2x2 Tank & 3x1.5x1.5 Sump

Hagen 802 x 2, Tunze 6060, Arcadia T5 (54W x 8), Eheim 1260 (return) Eheim 1250 (Chiller), Aquabee 300 x 2 (Feed)

H&S 150-F2001 (850l Skimmer), H&S A110-F2000 (400l Skimmer), H&S 110-F1000 (1000l Sulphur/Nitrate Filter), H&S 150-F2000IA (800l Calcium Reactor)

Coralife 3X (UV Steriliser), I-Aquatic IF 312 (Fluidised Reactor), Kent Kalk Delivery, Resun CL650, Pinpoint ORP & PH Meters & Wireless Thermometer

4x2x2 Tank Thread

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  • SRC Member
No leh

Dont think got mantis shrimp in my tank so far.

But I have a rather aggressive boxer shrimp about 3 inch, and 1 or 2 crabs

which I cudnt catch for last few months. But they never disturb my other fishes.

Likely your boxer is the culprit. I had one bugger in my tank and all the smaller fishes - gobies etc never last a week and I was really wondering why.

One night when the lights were out, I saw my dottyback sleeping inbetween the rocks and the BS was just outside the rocks and waiting to strike!

Tore down my landscape just to catch the bugger.... all in order now...

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Got my Royal Gramma at big blue signboard - doing well, perhaps you might wanna try the fishes from there, even the AT is eating since the day it came into the shop!! I Decided to give the farm whom i bought my golden angel another try since it brought in Flame Hawk....bought it yesterday 18 Sept 04 and today it died, before it died, it was breathing hard and the next moment it died with its big eyes looking at me ! So this time really really no more buying from that source (luck thing never part my money for a chevron).

Now the flame hawk is a meal for my blue legged hermits (bought from ML) - chunks of meat sliced off by the hermits ... expensive meal ! If i had known earlier would have minced the Golden Angel for my fishes :lol:

My Beautiful ANGEL - Matsushima Nanako

Equipment List for 4x2x2 Tank & 3x1.5x1.5 Sump

Hagen 802 x 2, Tunze 6060, Arcadia T5 (54W x 8), Eheim 1260 (return) Eheim 1250 (Chiller), Aquabee 300 x 2 (Feed)

H&S 150-F2001 (850l Skimmer), H&S A110-F2000 (400l Skimmer), H&S 110-F1000 (1000l Sulphur/Nitrate Filter), H&S 150-F2000IA (800l Calcium Reactor)

Coralife 3X (UV Steriliser), I-Aquatic IF 312 (Fluidised Reactor), Kent Kalk Delivery, Resun CL650, Pinpoint ORP & PH Meters & Wireless Thermometer

4x2x2 Tank Thread

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