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Fed Up Sale ( Crazy Sale ) Tunze


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  • SRC Member

lets try my luck

1. No PM, SMS just reply your interest here. (nope, i dun have your number)

2. Stated why you want it ( eg. because it's cheap, because I want it )

basically, i wanted to get another rio seio 820($95) to generate more flow in my tank, still thinkin very hard whether i should go into SPS(very expensive and i dun have a chiller)..but for now, LPS is still good for me.since this deal is so good, might as well i fork out another $52 for it.

3. No reservatoin. If you want to reserve , pay deposit ( 50% , 100$ NO REFUNDABLE, if sale not process, I WILL NOT REFUND YOUR DEPOSIT ). i can collect it tomolo, but evening time i have lesson.

4. Sale as it's. NO REFUND AFTER SALE. no problem

5. Collection time frame is window of 5 mins only ( for those who always late with execses don't try ). Every one minute I have to wait for you, will cost you 100$ one hundred dollar. i will arrive earlier than u

6. Senior people , please don't reply. my experience in reefing is only about 9-10mths, although i did some research for about 1 year before starting my 1st tank. I definitely earn less than 10k, taking monthly allowance from my dad as i'm still studying

certainly very interested...thanks..

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  • SRC Member
Tunze TS07 system for fed up sale

4 weeks old ( warranty 6 months so left with 5 months++ )

Come with Tunze Stream 6000 ( 2000L - 7000L ) and

7091 Controller

For Sale at only 150$ ( Hundred and Fifty Dollar ), I paid 400+;


1. I reserved right to sell any1 who I think fit for this sale. No first come first servered.

2. No PM, SMS just reply your interest here.

3. Stated why you want it ( eg. because it's cheap, because I want it )

4. No reservatoin. If you want to reserve , pay deposit ( 50% , 100$ NO REFUNDABLE, if sale not process, I WILL NOT REFUND YOUR DEPOSIT )

5. Sale as it's. NO REFUND AFTER SALE.

6. Collection time frame is window of 5 mins only ( for those who always late with execses don't try ). Every one minute I have to wait for you, will cost you 100$ one hundred dollar.

7. Senior people , please don't reply.

If you think you can meet T&Cs , than reply to this thread.

u think u r fed up? i more fed up!

= i juz bought 2 tunze 6060 over the past 3 weeks becos of insufficient flow.

= been hunting high and low for good offers but none came so i had to "beg" my wife to sponsor one unit for me due to its high cost. guys with wife should know the amount of nagging u get! :(

= i wanted to hold back until my new tank is up but my sps could not wait and lost colouration during this time!

= after putting in tunze, i lost 3 big colonies due to wrong placement!

= now when everything is settled, u come out and sell a tunze set at cheap price! arghh my wife better not see this thread!

since i got 2 alreadi, do i need more? yes! definitely! im a tunze convert. if u read my thread under general reefkeeping, my intention for new tank is 4 tunze so ur setup is right up the alley for my plan.

gimme a call at 96811038 for immediate sales. i can self collect at ur convenience!

oh btw, since everyone else is also eyeing ur tunze, let me be different! u can come and pick up one LS from my tank, except my AT. i got purple tang, cleaner shrimps, blood shrimp, acros, hammer, torch, brain (2 nice red edge ones), ric florida, etc. gonna be hard to part with any of them but one good deal deserves another.


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  • SRC Member
hahahha....let me up the stake!!!! you can come take all my SPS.....but then only 4 small colony left..... :P

dun like that lah... make my offer look small but all my stuffs i painstakingly buy and keep over the past 6 months. those rics... i cheong at midnite to reefer place to buy, some sps i cheong midnite (iwarna) and past midnite (sentosa marine), the 2 brains are my wife favourites, some items i run from west to east juz to get them since it is first come first serve. not easy to let go one :P

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  • SRC Member
So is it sold yet? :unsure: This is turning into a joke... ;)

:bow: hahah i think so too, so many ppl began to beg for it.. it show human nature.. i rather dun wan heheheh i got pride..

Good luck for all the guy here :bow:

Althought it is a real good deal

GIve up liao!!!!!!!!!!!

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  • SRC Member

Hm.... joke or not I will still place my place in this thread....

I would like to have it 'cos I need to create more wave movement in my 4 feet tank for my corals.....

:) Greeting :)

Tank: 4' by 2' by 2' (CR antique)

Sump: 3' include 1' refuigm

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  • SRC Member

Went to Minsmarine home yesterday, saw his Tunze very new and no algea on it....hehehe. By the way, minsmarine you golf? maybe next time this forum can arrange all the golfers ###### marine lover go driving range?

...hehe...cheers every1

P/S: if bro minsmarine really selling it, really worth it....look new plus cheap

me also want to buy....hahaha

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  • SRC Member

hmm that why he don't offer it to senior reefer.. :huh: As most of them are his friends.. <_< .

So, newbie >can kill'' ?? :pinch::pinch:

well , i want to get this as it can save $$ for me to buy other stuffs. .. Deepblue may be rite afterall. <_<

Anyway>> hope this is not a joke afterall. (if not>> sell off/Pasar Malam Shop >> turn into a fun house to play'' newbie. ) :pinch:

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  • SRC Member

Glad you guys are realising it ............................

You never know what people will do under the effect of alcohol... :lol::lol::lol:

So practise the sane philosophy...dun drink...dun drive...stay sane... :P

Next instance, he will be asking the mods to close or remove the thread. :rolleyes:

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