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Fed Up Sale ( Crazy Sale ) Tunze


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1. Collection time means after agree in sale , collection time will be set, let say 8:30 PM and you show up at 8:31 than you will be penelize for 1 min late.

2. Senior means who are in reefing for more than 1 year and earning more than 10K a month.

3. Whoever SMS, Call, PM automatically disqualified for this sale.


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If you can collect winthin 6 hours :P. OTHERWISE.......

You out lar you will have so much money when u come back ( cause no Bar, no Reef, no GF ).

So far no 1 to sell lay.

wah kaoz!!!! faint la...... dun qualify. :lol::yeah::lol:

errrrr..... ask gf collect cannot ah??? :eyebrow:

Austin the Westie: "I may be your best friend, but you are my everything".

Lightning Strike's Back!!!

Reefkeeping Is Not My Hobby, It's My Obsession.

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Bro, he is not in plain..

if he want to make less loss. he won't sell it at $150. haha

Perhap he want to help poor student like me..

i am born without luck.. i believe that i won't get this unit.. Hopes other suitable' reefer can get it.

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You disqualified cause my audi can see anywhere :P

Tonight me bit crazy :D After 2 bottles of red wine make me think to sell all.

Defination - who are not clear about T&C

1. Collection time means after agree in sale , collection time will be set, let say 8:30 PM and you show up at 8:31 than you will be penelize for 1 min late.

2. Senior means who are in reefing for more than 1 year and earning more than 10K a month.

3. Whoever SMS, Call, PM automatically disqualified for this sale.


Lucky have not have my drinks yet tonight, otherwise may post to sell my tank at a penny !! :huh:

Bro, next time you go drinking call me along...then first in line to buy over everthing you have :evil: , including your audi. :lol:

Alamak, did not qualify to any of your last 3 criteria. not working lah so no earnings, just laze around the house qualify or not ? Also not in Singapore now.

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I collect for you lah. meanwhile, I can put it in my tank and let it get encrusted with coraline algae.

you want?

that will be good! i pay u another extra $20 for the encrusted Coralline algae on the tunze. :lol::P

this thread shld be moved to the kopitiam....... more appropriate....... :P

Austin the Westie: "I may be your best friend, but you are my everything".

Lightning Strike's Back!!!

Reefkeeping Is Not My Hobby, It's My Obsession.

Austin's Birthday


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  • SRC Member

Wah bro,

What happened? Why selling such a good equipment at such a soild price? :o

The person that got it can go an buy 4D liao :lol:

Although I am quite interested, I don't think I am qualified and I don't earn 10k a month either!

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Haha, since i believe i can't get it. << i don't have car, not rich enough to get a cab and rush down to grab the wavemaker from him.

hmm... all senior reefer, experience reefer.

i am new in reef. can recommend any chiller brand for my future 4ft tank??

I am thinking of using 8xT5 for it. any comments.. ?

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I will buy it for S$1.00

My Beautiful ANGEL - Matsushima Nanako

Equipment List for 4x2x2 Tank & 3x1.5x1.5 Sump

Hagen 802 x 2, Tunze 6060, Arcadia T5 (54W x 8), Eheim 1260 (return) Eheim 1250 (Chiller), Aquabee 300 x 2 (Feed)

H&S 150-F2001 (850l Skimmer), H&S A110-F2000 (400l Skimmer), H&S 110-F1000 (1000l Sulphur/Nitrate Filter), H&S 150-F2000IA (800l Calcium Reactor)

Coralife 3X (UV Steriliser), I-Aquatic IF 312 (Fluidised Reactor), Kent Kalk Delivery, Resun CL650, Pinpoint ORP & PH Meters & Wireless Thermometer

4x2x2 Tank Thread

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  • SRC Member

This "sales" revealed quite alot of starved people - equivalent of ###### STARVATION :blink::lol::pinch:

My Beautiful ANGEL - Matsushima Nanako

Equipment List for 4x2x2 Tank & 3x1.5x1.5 Sump

Hagen 802 x 2, Tunze 6060, Arcadia T5 (54W x 8), Eheim 1260 (return) Eheim 1250 (Chiller), Aquabee 300 x 2 (Feed)

H&S 150-F2001 (850l Skimmer), H&S A110-F2000 (400l Skimmer), H&S 110-F1000 (1000l Sulphur/Nitrate Filter), H&S 150-F2000IA (800l Calcium Reactor)

Coralife 3X (UV Steriliser), I-Aquatic IF 312 (Fluidised Reactor), Kent Kalk Delivery, Resun CL650, Pinpoint ORP & PH Meters & Wireless Thermometer

4x2x2 Tank Thread

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I don't mind investing $150 for it for now. I can always use it about 2 years later when I decide to go sps again. Meanwhile I can use them for my 2ft tank. :evil:

"Starved" people??

I think more of "Starved vultures" :P

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  • SRC Member
This "sales" revealed quite alot of starved people - equivalent of ###### STARVATION

I am thinking that's what Bro minsmarine is trying to prove after 2 bottles of red wine.... <_< ,with those T&C, he is either enjoying himself or have had some very bad experience...... :(

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I am thinking that's what Bro minsmarine is trying to prove after 2 bottles of red wine.... <_< ,with those T&C, he is either enjoying himself or have had some very bad experience...... :(

Couldn't get his hands on that pretty chick down the street? :lol::lol::lol:

My Beautiful ANGEL - Matsushima Nanako

Equipment List for 4x2x2 Tank & 3x1.5x1.5 Sump

Hagen 802 x 2, Tunze 6060, Arcadia T5 (54W x 8), Eheim 1260 (return) Eheim 1250 (Chiller), Aquabee 300 x 2 (Feed)

H&S 150-F2001 (850l Skimmer), H&S A110-F2000 (400l Skimmer), H&S 110-F1000 (1000l Sulphur/Nitrate Filter), H&S 150-F2000IA (800l Calcium Reactor)

Coralife 3X (UV Steriliser), I-Aquatic IF 312 (Fluidised Reactor), Kent Kalk Delivery, Resun CL650, Pinpoint ORP & PH Meters & Wireless Thermometer

4x2x2 Tank Thread

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Perhap he has contacted a buyer.... or the effect of red wine >> over... well, poor reefers ... sobs can only pray that such incident will occur again...

But any way, i believe he should keep it for himself. $$ is hard to earn. if the wavemaker is in such a new condition''''. he should keep it... Tunze Stream is a very good and costly wavemaker.

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maybe bro minsmarine met the merc chick at the traffic lights in hougang again :lol:

drowning himself in red wine after that :lol:

just kidding bro :P

You mean SDP5XX3 :D haa haa yep I met her again in the same traffic light again this evening so I am selling of my Tunze :D Haa Haa.

Me old and ugly father who will look at me :fear:

Life is like a peice of Uncured Live Rock [ from LFS ], you never know what you gonna get.........

Ocean Gump

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